Appreciating Inner Beauty

Appreciating Inner Beauty

Right now, we are in unprecedented times. If you’re reading this post-2020 we are in lockdown now. Salons and barbers are closes, fashion and make-up no longer seems a priority. Now many people are, thankfully, taking the time to start appreciating inner beauty rather than just focusing on what is going on on the outside. Finding your inner beauty might seem like a simple thing to do, but in practice, it can be quite hard. You look amazing on the outside, and you have impeccable fashion taste, but how do you feel on the inside? You might have to do a lot of soul searching, and thinking about your past behaviour and where that could take you in the future, to truly answer this question. 

Some changes have to be made to ensure the real you can blossom and shine, and allow you to really release the inner beauty you were born with and have cultivated your whole life. Let’s consider a few things you could think about to help yourself feel more esteemable, and like you’ve got a lot more to offer. 

Appreciating Inner Beauty: Think About Who You Love

The people around you each and every day are the people you mostly choose to be there – what do they have in common? Because the traits we surround ourselves with speaks to who we are inside, or who we would like to be, and that could be very inspiring once you start to notice this. 

Maybe they’re all different in their own little way, but that too can be a common trait in someone’s loved ones; maybe you like something quirky or off the beaten track. But how does that relate to your inner beauty? It means you find goodness in small or different things, and that can mean you’re a person who values people, and not what they do or where they come from. You’re passionate, and appreciate what’s in front of you. As someone who is very keen on mindfulness practices, this point strikes a chord with me.

Think About How You Spend Your Days

What does your average day look like? And what do you think of a day like this? Because what we do can dictate a lot of how we think and behave, and it’s time to notice that. It’s a big part of inner beauty, and you might need to work on the effects of your current schedule. 

Even if you’re someone who considers a facelift as an option right now, because the mirror is looking back differently these days, the person we are inside only changes and evolves when we let it. When we take in what we see each and every day, and allow ourselves to learn from it and think about the impacts of these words and behaviours, do we help ourselves to grow into bigger and better versions of ourselves. 

Think About What Inspires You

And finally, going back to the point above, think about what fills you with energy when you look at it. What gets you pumped and ready to go, and makes you think of yourself in a better way? Because when you find something that inspires you, you need to surround yourself with it, to ensure your inner beauty has a chance to shine out. 

We all have inner beauty, and it’s time to prioritise it. Lean into yourself, and let it out. Journalling can be a really go way to unpack the answers to these questions. This is something I’m doing a lot of at the moment,