Lifestyle Changes That Improve Skin Health

Lifestyle Changes That Improve Skin Health

As you get older, you will start to notice the signs of ageing and even though you can’t stay young forever, there are things that you can do to keep your skin looking young and healthy. There are plenty of great skin products out there that can help to manage the signs of ageing, but the most important thing is to change your lifestyle so you can reduce lines and wrinkles in the first place. These are some of the best lifestyle changes that improve skin health. 

Lifestyle Changes That Improve Skin Health: Sun Protection 

Sun protection is the most important thing if you want to protect your skin because sun damage will speed up the ageing process in a big way. Most of us are pretty good with wearing sunscreen when we’re on holiday or if it’s a particularly hot day here at home, but your skin still gets damaged by the sun even when it isn’t that hot. As well as your normal sunscreen, you should look for makeup and skin products that provide SPF protection as well. There are some great sites, like Colorscience, where you can get mineral foundation that provides SPF protection, so you can look great and protect your skin from the sun at the same time. You should also use a moisturiser that has SPF protection built-in as well, so you are always protected. 

Eat A Healthy Diet 

Your diet has a big impact on skin health, so you should be careful about what you eat and drink. High sugar intake has been linked to an increase in spots, for example, so make sure to cut back on sweets and fizzy drinks. Eating lots of nuts and fish can also help to clean out some of the oils from your skin and prevent breakouts as well. Hydration is also so important because, if you don’t drink enough water, your skin will dry out and cause premature ageing. If you start eating better, you should notice a big difference to your skin. 

Lifestyle Changes That Improve Skin Health: Reduce Stress

It’s no secret that stress is bad for you, but did you know that it could be damaging your skin? When you are stressed out, your body produces more hormones that cause oiliness in the skin, leading to more breakouts. Your body is also less effective at fighting bacteria when you are stressed, so you are more likely to get spots. 

Speak With Your Doctor 

In some cases, your skin issues may be caused by some kind of skin condition, so it’s important that you speak with your doctor if you think that there is a problem. A little bit of dry skin is normal, but if you have very dry, cracked skin, that could be a sign that you have eczema, for example. Lots of redness can be caused by rosacea, a very common skin condition that causes inflammation. The good news is, most skin conditions can be treated, so make sure to take your doctor’s advice. 


These lifestyle changes will be far more effective than any skin products that you can buy if you want to improve your skin health. 

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