Hi Ho Back to Weight Watchers I Go

As many of you know I have been a Slimming World member for longer than I care to admit (I’ve been slimming in one way or another since I turned 18). I have health and weight goals that I have to meet and the only way to do so (for me) has been to attend a regular slimming club.

SW has been great however I’ve recently become… bored is probably the best word. It’s hardly surprising as I know the plan inside out and back to front and so I’ve struggled. I made the executive decision last week to leave Slimming World and return to Weight Watchers (I was gold member back in 2005). I’m not knocking SW, don’t get me wrong. It’s a great way to lose weight but isn’t for me right now.

My first WW meeting was Sunday night and I’m so glad I went. I’m not a huge fan of the leader who has run WW classes here on a Tuesday since the beginning of time however hearing that there was a new class with a new leader opening was the tipping point for me.

My weight loss journey is an on-going one and for the first time in a long time I’m feeling motivated again. It’s been a good ten years since I’ve done WW and so I’m a newbie once more. This means there are new recipes, shiny new books and the like and most importantly a new focus. Hopefully when I return on Sunday it’ll be with a decent loss; either way I’m feeling positive and that’s never a bad thing.

Wish me luck!


I've even been inspired to increase my activity levels. I don't recognise myself!
I’ve even been inspired to increase my activity levels. I don’t recognise myself!

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