Improve Employee Wellness

Improve Employee Wellness

Taking good care of your staff is very important if you want to build a successful company. Employee wellness affects so many different aspects of your business, from productivity and turnover to company culture, reputation, and ROI. To support and improve employee wellness, these five ideas should give you lots to think about.

Improve Employee Wellness: Remain Flexible

Inflexible shifts and micromanaged teams can negatively impact employee wellness. Research from Thrive Global found that ‘employees who were given more control over their workdays self-reported several positive benefits to their mental well-being.’ There are many ways to provide flexibility for your staff, including flexible shifts, options to work from home, and creating autonomous teams. Using a tool such as home health agency scheduling software allows businesses to ensure their staff levels are correct and helps employees to stay on top of their work/life balance. This is just one example of using tools to improve employee wellness as well as enhancing the business itself.

Wellness Resources

To improve employee wellness, it can be helpful to offer resources. A few of the leading wellness software options include:

Wellable: With this company wellness tool, you can help your staff to focus on various areas of their wellbeing. Options of focus include financial health, emotional health, social, physical, and mental health.

Unmind: This is a mental health tool designed for small businesses. Using this content, employees can work on various mental health aspects, whether sleep, health, fulfilment, happiness, or connection. With the right support tools, your staff will improve their mental health.

Consider Corporate Social Responsibility When Looking to Improve Employee Wellness

Corporate Social Responsibility is a practice that supports companies to understand their impact on wider society. The idea is to make a positive impact on society, whether economically, socially, or environmentally. To improve your CSR practices, it’s advisable to focus on helping the environment. You could do this by supporting certain charities or adopting sustainable practices. 

Besides this, cycling to work should be encouraged, along with improving your recycling and waste policies. Giving back to society will have positive repercussions on employee wellness and company culture. With improved CSR practices, you’ll also boost your reputation.

Improve Employee Wellness: Provide mental health-themed training 

According to the CDC, ‘More than 50% of Americans will be diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder at some point in their lifetime.’ To support your staff and maintain productivity, it’s useful to offer some form of mental health training. Workshops might cover areas such as recognizing mental health symptoms; adopting appropriate coping strategies; knowing where to get help; and supporting co-workers.

Offer feedback & support

Strive to offer your staff consistent feedback and support them develop within their roles. If you want your staff to feel engaged, they need to feel that they have a future in the company and that their efforts are valued. Use your feedback sessions to create a development roadmap for your employees. Ask staff what their career goals are and provide support to help them meet these aspirations. As part of this, it can be useful to set up mutually beneficial mentoring programs, within your organization.

With the right wellness support, you’ll have a more creative and productive workforce. Turnover can be costly, but with happy and healthy employees, you’ll save on your business costs. Improve employee wellness to elevate your business to one that is a good employer.


Be The Boss That Employees Love

Be The Boss That Employees Love

If you are expanding your business, the chances are that you will be hiring staff, possibly for the first time. It’s all too easy to fall into the trap of being an absent boss and one that sees profits rather than people. If you want to build a cohesive team that will drive your business forward, you need to be the boss that your employees love. If you are eager to create a productive atmosphere, the buck lies with you and you need to set an excellent example. Take a look at how you can be a boss that everyone loves to work for.

Be The Boss That Employees Love: Communication

There’s nothing worse for an employee than having a boss that remains locked behind their office door, never to be seen among their staff. Being elusive means negative stories and opinions will form about you. Instead, get out and about and meet your team. Have a staff briefing every Monday to set the targets for the week and to motivate your staff. Allow them to voice their concerns, offer up their opinions and listen to them. They will respect you for this. Make sure that you send out an email every Friday namechecking those staff members who have gone above and beyond. This little bit of positive praise shows that you recognise their achievements and that you are willing to share successes.

Invest In Your Team

If you want to be one of the best bosses out there, you need to put your money where your mouth is and invest in your team. Consider implementing something like the EAP from LifeWorks, a scheme that aims to help your staff members if they are facing personal problems. They may be struggling with stress or anxiety. By giving them access to a counsellor, you can play your part in looking after their well being. Each member of staff is a person, not a number, so treat them well.

You could also invest in their professional development. This can be scary as you might worry that providing them with training, funding their qualifications, and helping them to grow as a professional may result in them leaving your company. This is always a risk, but by investing in their development, you are showing a commitment to their skills and talents. This alone demonstrates your exceptional nature as a boss.

Be The Boss That Employees Love: Surroundings

If your office space is looking a little shabby, there are some stains on the carpet and the hardware hasn’t been changed for years, it’s time to step up and make your working environment more inspiring. Make your employees excited to get to work in the morning by painting the walls white, whipping up some local artwork, adding touches of greenery, purchasing some decent laptops and having an open plan environment conducive to teamwork and productive thinking. Your employees will be more like to stick with you rather than look for work elsewhere.

If you are eager to maintain a cohesive team, ensure that you implement these three steps and be the best boss that you can be.