Does Your Workplace Care About Your Safety? 5 Warning Signs To Consider

Does Your Workplace Care About Your Safety? 5 Warning Signs To Consider

Does your workplace care about your safety? This blog post considers the warning signs. No matter what kind of professional you are, you’re a human being first. That means you’re vulnerable, as we all are. You shouldn’t have to accept a dangerous job unless you are explicitly made aware of the risks. You must be fairly compensated for the added challenge, and full safety measures have been integrated to mitigate any threat. This is how oil workers on independent sea stations, law enforcement, or even chefs in a blisteringly hot kitchen all day are prepared, to various degrees, and against various threats.

Does your workplace care about your safety? They might be saying all the right things, of course, as they have to pass the auditing checks. But the truth is that safety isn’t just a vocal commitment or even a policy change, it’s a practiced reality. Safety can be considered or disregarded at any moment. From a boss asking you to lift a heavy object without proper safety training, or failing to restore your safety equipment. On the flipside your manager might let you go home early if there’s a sweltering heatwave.

How do you assess if your managers and workplace are genuinely interested in your safety or not? In this post, I cover all of that and more:

Does Your Workplace Care About Your Safety? Infrequent To Rare Safety Training

Safety is not just a luxury process you voluntarily engage in. It has to be baked into every working process you engage in during an average shift. If you’re only getting a quick rundown in training when you start, that’s not great. 

After all, what may require safety planning now could change in a little while. Often, threats change and new risks pop up. 

Usually, this involves refresher courses or sending out updates. It could involve excellent, process-specific measures such as ADR courses to properly handle chemicals while keeping everyone protected. If you’ve been at a workplace for a while with no safety training, or your colleagues can’t remember the last time they had a course, this is a sign safety is hardly a top priority within that space.

Does Your Workplace Care About Your Safety? Slow Reactions To Safety Reporting

The truth is that even in a perfectly trained workforce and a well-curated building, safety issues can and do occur. Maybe the shutter doors are caught, black ice is present outside on the driveway, or there are no longer safe places in a warehouse to store materials.

If you find that reporting these issues is commonly met with silence or even an accusatory tone, that’s a deeply worrying prospect. Putting it simply – when you point out a safety issue, it shouldn’t disappear into a black hole. Good workplaces take that seriously. look into it, let you know what’s happening and even thank you for your communication and responsibility.

You should see some action, even if it’s just a temporary fix. If you’re getting brushed off or told “We’ll look into it” over and over, it might be worth checking just how much of a pattern this has become. Every day, safety reports save lives. That’s why having them ignored is so dangerous. 

Improper Safety Equipment Replacement


Safety gear is great, and its presence is encouraging. However, time goes by and that equipment is no longer as protective or capable as it once was. Wear and tear affects safety equipment over time. If a construction safety helmet is hit with an impact, replace it, You never know what hairline cracks might cause a safety failure next time.

Simply put – safety gear wears out. If you’re stuck with old, worn-out equipment that never gets replaced because of “operational costs,”  that’s a problem. Good businesses keep on top of this and also perform daily checks on their safety gear to ensure an employee never has to find out about issues the hard way. If you’re always having to ask for new items, or if requests get ignored, it’s a sign that short-term savings are more important than you potentially being harmed.


Effective Punishment For Reporting Errors – Does Your Workplace Care About Your Safety?

Getting in trouble because you reported a safety issue shouldn’t happen. Anyone sidelined after whistleblowing will know consequences can be severe but also subtle.

Reporting a safety hazard is not “bad form”. People should never be penalised for reporting safety issues. If you hear about people getting shifted to worse shifts or passed over for promotions after speaking up, that’s bad news. If there’s a feeling that it’s better to keep your head down, safety’s not the priority in your workplace.

No Accountability Measures

There should be clear rules about who’s responsible for what when it comes to safety. A good workplace will, generally, allow the buck to stop with the manager on shift or those responsible for overseeing safety, not the worker who made a mistake.

This way, if something goes wrong, it shouldn’t be a big mystery about who dropped the ball. Good workplaces have systems in place and care little about their reputation if it means they can avoid an injury. They also invest in good standards, such as regular audits or clear reporting lines. If it feels like safety is “everybody’s job but nobody’s responsibility,” then who will take charge if an issue happens? A common misconception is that accountability is more focused on pointing fingers than implementing lasting change, but that’s certainly not the case in good workplaces.


Does Your Workplace Care About Your Safety?

With this advice, we hope you can more easily identify the warning signs that your health and potential safety is not being prioritised as it should. We can’t determine your professional choices for you, but in these cases, prudent advice would be to find other opportunities and escalate the issue externally.

Making Connections As A Freelancer

Making Connections As A Freelancer

Working for yourself has a lot of perks. You get to choose your clients, your working hours, and of course, location, which can give you a lot of flexibility around how and when you work. But don’t you ever feel a bit lonely working by yourself? It’s normal to miss the office banter or be able to share ideas with someone, but guess what? Just because you work for yourself, doesn’t mean you have to do it all by yourself. Getting out there and making some connections can help you feel a little less alone, and could even help you grow your business.

Here are some simple ways to make some connections as a freelancer.

Making Connections As A Freelancer  – Find a Coworking Hub

Being able to work from home in your PJs is great, but sometimes it’s good to get out there and work in a different environment and work around people. Coworking spaces come with a lot of benefits, including modern facilities, refreshments and of course, a workspace with people in it. What’s great about a lot of coworking spaces is that they become their own communities, with different events designed to get everyone together and meet some new people. Give it a try, you might find it’s a really good move for you.

You may not even have to pay to use a coworking space, like this gorgeous space in London:

@ashleighspili We don’t gatekeep here. Free coworking space for your next wfh day #coworking #wfh #wfhproblems #londonhotspots #london #coworkingspace #shoreditch ♬ original sound – ash

If you are in my neck of the woods, here in North Yorkshire, look up Thirsk Coworking. I set up Thirsk Coworking in 2017, a free coworking group anyone can attend. There’s no membership, tickets, or signing up—just flexible coworking alongside like-minded others. You can find out more on my Thirsk Coworking page.

Making Connections As A Freelancer  – Attend Local Networking Events

Networking events have changed a lot in recent years, and with a little research, you could find great events taking place in your local area, especially if you work in a creative role. See what’s out there and attend business brunches, workshops and even group workouts – all aimed at freelancers and people who own their own businesses. It can be a great way to connect with people like you and help your business too. Make sure you get some business cards printed to hand out to any new connections. These events will help you feel more sociable while building some valuable business contacts too.

Join an Online Community

Online communities are a great way to meet like-minded people, especially if you’re a little bit shy about meeting people in person. Online communities can cover a lot of different niches, including people who do the same type of work as you, like copywriting, for example, those who live in your local area or those who are just starting out. These communities work like forums, so you can use them to both give and receive advice, grow your customer base and maybe even meet a few people you click with to pursue some deeper connections.

Meet your Clients Face-To-Face – Making Connections As A Freelancer

A lot of freelancers find their clients online, keeping the majority of communications online. But what if you met some of your clients face-to-face now and then? It can help you enjoy some more social interactions, but it could also help you build better relationships with your clients. If you need to travel, even better – who doesn’t love a business trip?


As you can see, there are a lot of different ways to interact with others as a freelancer. Find ways to make some more social connections and enjoy making working alone a little less lonely.