New Baby Arrival: Getting Ready

New Baby Arrival: Getting Ready

First of all, no, Roy and I are NOT expecting a new baby. This is one of those useful guides for readers things, not anything to do with expanding our awesome foursome family. For those of you who are expecting, these tips might help.

Set Your New Baby Budget

Babies need things but their actual needs are quite simple. How fancy a new nursery will be, how large their first year wardrobe and what pram/pushchair they travel in will be will depend on your budget. Before you go ahead with planning out the nursery and everything you want in it, you really do need to get your money in order. It is a good idea to make a budget so that you can figure out exactly how much cash you are going to have. 

Baby Kit

Make a list of what your baby will need for those first weeks and months. It may seem overwhelming, the amount of things you need to buy for your baby’s arrival but once you’ve broken it down it seem easier to manage. Once you have the essentials, i.e clothes, wipes, a cot and even nappies too then you can start saving or thinking about luxury nursery furniture and fancy pushchairs. Get the must-haves before the really wants,

Birth Plan

Believe it or not, writing down your birth plan can be a huge help. It can also help you to get the best experience out of your whole pregnancy. It is important to write down the pain relief you are going to opt for when you do give birth and any other possibilities that may be available. One of the best pieces of advice I can give you as a mother of two is to be prepared to be flexible though. You don’t know how you will feel on the day so don’t feel that you can’t change your mind.

Your Hospital Bag

Babies do have a habit of not arriving when they are meant to. This is why you should have a hospital bag which is ready to go a few weeks before you are actually due. Your other half may also want to pack their own hospital supplies as well. This is in case you end up staying in hospital longer than you anticipate, and your other half wants to stay in the room with you. Another top tip? Alongside very comfy PJs and big knickers for your maternity pads (it’s all very glamorous) pack food. Seriously, I cannot stress this strongly enough. Labour and birth is exhausting. New babies are exhausting. It can be hard work and unlike your other half or birth partner, who can go and get a big beef curry from the canteen, you will be stuck on the ward for the majority so be prepared.

New Baby Car Seat

If you have a vehicle then you need to have a car seat that is properly fitted. This will give you the chance to take your bundle of joy home right from the hospital. You need to take the time to find the right model, style and even design that you are happy with. There are so many options out there for you to choose from and again, you may find this overwhelming but when you put everything into categories you will soon find something that you are comfortable with. It will also make it much easier for you to feel better about the big day as well. If you need some help with choosing one, then there are plenty of support guides on the internet. Don’t buy second-hand though as unless you are 100% sure it hasn’t been in an accident, even a little something minor, you can’t be sure of how safe it is.

Gosh, sharing these top tips is bringing everything back. I should re-write my birth stories I think, they make for good/amusing reading. 🙂


Impressive Ideas for Nursery Decorating

Everywhere I look right now I see posts about pregnancy, about new babies and I love it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not broody at all but I can’t help remembering fondly those early stages and firsts such as setting up / decorating a nursery and the first ultrasound where “baby looks rather like a large prawn (Kieran was called “Shrimp” for some time).

I read so many books, browsed so many sites and spent a lot of time changing my mind about nursery decor especially. For those of my friends and readers in the same position, these top decorating ideas, contributed by Funique, could be very useful!

5 Impressive Ideas for Decorating Nursery

When it comes to nursery and baby rooms, you have to be choosy and very observant as babies have delicate sensibilities and their surroundings (we are told) may make an impression on their upbringing. A nursery or baby room cannot be decorated and the interior cannot be designed without consideration for the delicacy involved in it. From the arrangement of furniture to creating ample floor space to decorating the interior with beautiful and spirited colours, you need to keep an eye on many things. Let us offer here some effective tips and ideas for decorating the nursery. Each of the ideas mentioned here are practical and verified with experience.

Grey is a great colour

Let me be frank about one thing. Baby furniture is often the most important consideration when it comes to decorating the nursery. However great the wall colours and lights are, it is the baby furniture that creates the ultimate impact and of course needs to serve a practical purpose. If you have chosen bright and vibrant colours for the baby room interior, the furniture colours might be better not following the same principles (too much of a good thing). Often creating a good contrast and balance with different colours for walls and furniture needs you to go for little drab colours in furniture. Grey is a nice option for furniture to create a sense of balance with the walls splattered with bright hues.

Often when creating a good contrast and balance with different colours for walls and furniture, you tend to lean towards more “drab” colours when it comes to furniture. Grey is a nice option for furniture as it creates a sense of balance with the walls splattered with bright hues. Grey baby furniture offers the right kind of balance and contrast that makes the room a really calm and soothing environment.

Mind the floor space

When it comes to decorating baby rooms, you must give attention to floor space. In fact, creating a sense of space is one of the most important considerations. Many consider a minimalist interior. There are some important considerations in this respect. First of all, baby rooms may not be very big in size but nevertheless creating a sense of space with effective positioning of furniture and choosing sleek and minimalist furniture design is essential. Secondly, you can leave out a few furniture pieces if they are not absolutely necessary. Thirdly always place the furniture in a way so that no part of the room looks cluttered. Lastly, a few smart pieces like wall hangers, wall pockets, hidden storage, etc. are effective to save space and make the room feel light and airy.

Choose furniture after seeing them in an original room setting

Not every piece of nursery furniture suits all baby rooms. It depends on a variety of factors. Often after seeing a piece of furniture in an original setting we just fall in love with it. One piece does not make a whole nursery though so consider how the other pieces within the set will work in your room and ask to see these pieces arranged together where possible.

Make decor transitional


Sometimes a few touches here and are enough to transform the interior of a home. In this respect we can suggest transitional decoration in order to create a timeless effect which will appeal to children (and grown-ups) of all ages. These much sought after yet aesthetically demanding elements can make baby rooms a beautiful space for the little ones.

Buy nursery furniture online

With the stunning range of options available for every kind of preference and choice we recommend you consider buying nursery furniture online. This offers you the widest range of choice for every furniture piece needed in your baby room. Moreover, when buying baby furniture sets including baby cot and other must-have pieces, online stores offer customer reviews, enable you to take a deeper look at the furniture pieces with full blown images to and see them in original room settings. Another plus point for buying nursery furniture online is that you often have access to better savings and deals online.