Everywhere I look at the moment someone seems to be pregnant. In fact I’m switching to bottled water because I’m half convinced that there is something in the tap water and my two little darlings are just enough for us.
The great thing though about all of these new babies, those that have arrived and those who will be introducing themselves in the coming months is that as well as cute cuddles there are also some brilliant parties to go to! Christenings are primarily about introducing a child into the church however they are also a wonderful family occasion which enables the proud parents to show off their new arrival. These really are special events and special events deserve special gifts.
It is traditional to bring a gift when coming to a christening however that does not mean that anyone should bankrupt themselves in order to keep up with the Joneses. Gifting a new-born infant with a horse or a set of fifty genuine silver antique spoons could be considered a little too much nowadays as most people look to more practical or smaller yet equally lovely gift ideas.
These days everything seems to cost so much and so it is refreshing to see that there are option for christening gifts which are imaginative as well as budget friendly. The most important part of the christening is that family are able to attend, not that they bring a gift and if extravagant gifts were still the “norm”, on top of accommodation for those coming from out of town, travel costs, outfits and what not, I expect a few people might find themselves bowing out and missing this wonderful occasion.
Christenings for parents are expensive too. There are the outfits, flowers, gifts, food, a photographer or videographer, a hall or venue for the reception; the list never seems to end. Christeningideas.co.uk do have a handy PDF on their site which enables parents looking to plan their child’s christening to break down the costs and work out a budget they can afford and save towards the christening rather than using costly credit.

Welcoming a child into the world is about family, introducing the child into the church and celebrating their birth and fortunately this is now much more affordable with budget planners and beautiful yet affordable keepsakes to choose from.
We didn’t christen either of our boys however if we had we would also have been looking at a budget christening and hoping no-one spent ridiculous amounts on gifts. Cuddles are much lovelier than a £300 first tooth jar, and much less breakable!

*This post was written in collaboration with the mentioned business.