Stress: Recognise the Signs


Stress isn’t really such a problem, is it? It’s just a natural reaction to something that has gone wrong or something that is concerning you. It goes away all by itself and is just ‘one of those things, isn’t that true? In some cases, yes, this is the truth. Stress comes and goes and is just another part of life. In others, it’s much more serious; long term or chronic stress can be extremely bad for your mental and physical health, potentially leading to depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, muscle tension, migraines, heart attacks, strokes, and more.

 So, when stress becomes too bad, it really can be a big problem. Knowing the symptoms of stress is essential so you can do something about it. For some that might mean making changes in their life or work, seeking therapy or choosing the more holistic route, such as exploring royalcbd.comThere are many misconceptions about CBD and other natural remedies so it is important to do your research. Keep reading for more information on how high stress levels can present themselves and please, don’t ignore the problem. It doesn’t go away without some action being taken.

Stress Can Make You Quick to Anger 

When you are suffering from stress, you will often be extremely quick to anger, even in situations that wouldn’t normally make you – or anyone – particularly uptight. When you are stressed, however, little things can become much more significant, and you can become irritated by them for seemingly no reason at all. 

Not only will this make your life more difficult and unpleasant, but it can also affect your friends, family, and colleagues who will all have to be witness to your mood swings and anger. Many times, once the anger has passed, you will also start to feel guilty about what you did or said, and this can make any depression symptoms seem even worse. 

You Lose Your Hair 

When you are overstressed, you can start to lose your hair. This is a problem for both men and women, and it can start to become an issue in itself, causing you to lose self-confidence and, ironically, become even more stressed. 

Some hair loss will occur when you wash your hair, or when you brush it. This is entirely normal. However, if you are losing your hair much more quickly, perhaps even noticing bald patches where the hair is falling out more quickly than new hair can grow, it could all be down to stress. To help yourself, you can contact to talk about a hair transplant, but you must also deal with the root cause of your hair loss – your stress –to have a complete solution. 

You Are Unable to Relax

When you are feeling good, or even if you’re only a little bit stressed, you can always find time to sit back and relax, allowing yourself to unwind by listening to music, taking a warm bath, going for a run, or whatever else works for you. 

If you are suffering from chronic stress, this useful ability to unwind and de-stress is missing.  You simply cannot relax, and you won’t be able to truly focus on anything other than the reasons for feeling so bad – your mind will keep going over the issues, and this can be even more of a problem when you try to relax. 

Seek Help For Your Stress

Sometimes talking to someone about your stress can help; therapy is a great way to unburden yourself enough to be able to relax more and start the healing process. Don’t be complacent though. Mental health and physical health are equally important so if you are struggling with stress please do seek help, either from a counsellor, your GP or another appropriate source. Stress might have been normalised in recent times but that doesn’t make it any less dangerous if left unchecked. Thankfully, with help and support as well as some lifestyle changes you can get on top of it.

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