Consistent smoking over a prolonged period is associated with serious health consequences, some of which include disability and premature death. This is why most smokers strive to quit smoking when they realize the real dangers that this habit presents. Using vaping to quit smoking can help.
However, quitting smoking is not a walk in the park. It takes a great deal of courage, dedication, and patience to wean yourself off the habit fully. The good news is that vaping can play a major role in helping people to quit smoking. Since you will still face challenges even when you use e-cigarettes, it is important to be aware of the following tips.
Choose the Most Suitable Device for Your Needs
As a newbie to the world of vaping, you may be overwhelmed by the numerous options you will have when choosing the device that will suit your needs. While most of the people who want to quit smoking will go for the most affordable devices in the market, some of these devices do not work as expected.
This is why it would be important to do some research on the best vape pens before making a purchase. You can either choose to buy a cigar like e-cig or go for a vaping device. While an electronic cigarette looks just like a normal cigarette, it comes as a clean and easy-to-use alternative.
Using Vaping to Quit Smoking: Find a Decent Vaping Setup
Just like when choosing the right device for you and your needs, it is very important to get a decent vaping setup that will allow you to achieve your objectives. Besides choosing a device that features the latest technology and is easy to use, it is important to look at the quality of the batteries, and the cartridges. You should also make sure that you choose quality e-liquids that will offer you the flavors you like.
Understand How Vaping Can Help you to Quit Smoking
One of the reasons why smokers find it difficult to quit the habit is because of nicotine; the chemical compound found in tobacco is highly addictive. This addiction produces the attachment that smokers have to conventional cigarettes. However, another factor that contributes to this attachment is the action of moving the hand to the mouth when smoking. This means that vaping can act as a great substitute for traditional cigarettes. The smoker will still get the nicotine and enjoy the hand to mouth action.
Experiment with Nicotine Levels
In the initial stages of quitting the habit, it is important to find out the suitable nicotine level with which your body is comfortable. Different e-liquids contain varying levels of nicotine, making it necessary to experiment before you can settle on the e-liquid that works best for you. This will ensure that your switch from traditional cigarettes to electronic cigarettes is easier and seamless. The good news is that you will not have to change the type of e-cigarette you use when trying out different e-liquids. As you progress from smoking traditional cigarettes and move towards vaping, you may choose to go for e-liquids with no nicotine.
Using Vaping to Quit Smoking: Do Not Feel Uneasy about VapingSome people may feel uncomfortable about vaping in public, a factor that may undermine their efforts to quit smoking. To make sure that you do not go back to your old habit, you must prepare yourself for the strange looks you will get from other people. When you decide to go for vaping as a way to quit smoking, you should look at the bigger picture. Once you have achieved your goal, those who had a scornful look on their faces will perceive vaping differently.
Keep Your Eye on the Prize
Even when you have made the decision to vape, you will need a lot of dedication to overcome the habit of smoking once and for all. This means that you should make up your mind to have the right attitude and keep your eye on the prize. Since you will face challenges and distractions along the way, the best way to remain on the right path would be to think of the health and personal benefits you will gain. When you quit smoking, you will effectively deal with the smell, stains and expenditure that comes with it.