When Claire from Bottle PR asked for people to do some arty Xmas stuff on fabric I thought “why not?”. I like messy arty stuff, Kieran adores it. A few days later these 3D fabric paints arrived in the post:
HUGE panic, I don’t have an iron, I’ll mess it up, I can’t cope well with anything that contains glitter! After Claire talked me down and reassured me that they didn’t need ironing and would just set in about 4hrs, we got to work.
[slideshow id=11] When I say “we”, I mean Kieran, aka Mr Independent. At 5yrs he was more than capable of designing his own Xmas tshirt and had a fantastic time doing it.
The end result….

It has indeed set overnight and has been great fun. I would say though that avoiding huge blobs is the better idea as otherwise it takes much longer to “set”.
There is plenty left over and we are going to hunt out some more from this range, which is available at John Lewis and Hobbycraft, because there is no end to the projects we can do, festive and otherwise. Kieran wants to get some plain fabric bags to decorate and put some home-made biscuits in for his Aunt’s, another lovely Christmas idea.
Great fun and a new way for Kieran to create, I can see us doing many more projects involving Dylon in the future and look forward to playing with the other items in their art & craft range.