A Sanity Saving SmartSign Design

When the SmartSign blogger challenge popped up on HIBS100 I knew straight away which sign I would be looking for.

We’re moving house next month (in the middle of the summer holidays with no childcare, while working from home – send cake) and so have a sign in mind.
Is it a family rules sign? No!
A “Beware those who dare to enter” for my pre-teen’s new room? No (although this might not be a bad idea)!
Perhaps something with a quote like “Sorry about the mess, my children are making memories”? No, sorry.

What am I looking for?
A miracle. It’s a miracle I’m looking for. You see, I am slightly outnumbered in my house. There is little old me, then are three boys (two boys and a husband).What I’m looking for, is a pee-free bathroom.

 This is the look of a mother who is frazzled, worn down and quite frankly worn out…. by boy pee. Parents of boys will feel my pain. I thought that a handy sign would remind my cherubs to WIPE THE DAMN SEAT so I that I wouldn’t have to yell “HAVE YOU WIPED AND FLUSHED?” up the stairs who be a wise choice. I’m pretty sure when I yell right now using my stern Mum voice that our current gentleman neighbour sits down to pee. I’m hoping to make a more refined impression on the new neighbours, at least for a little while until they really get to know us and so I put this sign together…

They’re not going to be able to ignore that looking down on them, are they? We can but hope!
I was quite tickled, on browsing SmartSign closer to find that great minds think alike as they have a similar sprinkle tinkle sign. If I’m chosen as a winner of this fab comp (this post is an entry into the #MyCustomSign www.smartsign.com blogger challenge) I would ask them to make mine up to fit with my decor for the new house or design one similar perhaps without the disapproving dog looking down (see below).


What do you think? It’s a winner, right? 

Boost Hydration and Win

Who read my hydration pledge post? I did indeed at the beginning of August pledge/promise/sincerely plan to increase the number of glasses of water I was drinking and boost my hydration levels.

Have I managed it? Mostly! I won’t fib and tell you that I religiously drink 8 glasses of water a day like a hydration champ because I don’t however I have gone from no glasses of water and lots of black coffee to  5-6 glasses of water, herbal teas and one coffee a day in just under a month. I’m calling that a success and something to build on.

Why did I take the pledge? For those who don’t click through to the original post I decided to do this for health reasons. I have to say that the results have been encouraging. Apart from that one time that I feel off the wagon, had no water one day and felt utterly awful the next day I’ve maintained my hydration levels and have been feeling great. My energy levels have risen (I’ve even taken on Yoga!), I sleep better and once I got over the initial first few days of weeing like a racehorse all has been well.

Staying motivated hasn’t been the easiest thing, it never is when you are forming new habits however I’ve found great support from Hydr8more and in particular their blog which is packed with reasons why you should hydrate, how hydration helps you and tips for getting the job done (all in a non-preachy fashion which I appreciate).

Furthermore the lovelies at Hydr8more have decided to offer one of my lucky readers the chance to win this bad boy (or girl!). The Hydr8more Alkaline Water jug is portable, holds 2 litres and as well as filtering water it introduces valuable minerals. Click through to read all of the other benefits of using this jug.

hydration, hydr8more, jug



Did I say you could win one? Yes.

I don’t run competitions often as regular readers know however I thought this would be a prize worth winning (I’m treating myself to one too as our tap water is “hard” and I could benefit from a mineral packed softer water drink).

To enter…..

Leave me a comment below answering the following question:

What is your best idea for remembering to drink 8 glasses every day

That’s it, no hoops to jump through, no need to promise me the soul of your first born child, just have a nosy at the site, enjoy their no-nonsense blog and answer the question.

Terms and Conditions:

  • This competition will end at midday on Monday September 14th 2015
  • One answer per person please, multiples will be deleted
  • The winner will be contacted via email shortly after this giveaway ends to confirm their delivery address.
  • The jug will be sent direct from Hydr8more.
  • If I don’t hear back from the winner within 5 days a new winner will be chosen.
  • The winner will be chosen using a randomiser programme.
  • My decision is final
  • I reserve the right to pinch any of your answers to help me remember to keep hydrating!

What are you waiting for? Feel free to share the post so that others might be in with a chance and good luck!


*Even if you don’t win it is worth having a think about your hydration levels and what you could do to improve these.