Sporting Memories



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It’s a running joke in our family that we probably couldn’t be less sporty if we tried. Roy doesn’t watch sport, support a team or play. The boys, as active as they are, don’t claim to be sporty and while they’ll play footy etc. with friends and climb trees, they’d be just as happy walking round the Moors or such-like. Myself, I used to be sportier than what I am now. I played hockey for the Thirsk women’s team in my teens and at school was on the netball team (when much younger). All this mostly fell by the wayside when school work became more involved and boys came onto the scene to be honest.

Coming from a family with three brothers to balance us three sisters out it was always going to be a safe bet that there would be sport growing up and there certainly was. As well as avid football supporters, ranging from Boro to Man Utd to Rangers there was wresting, cricket (one brother is still a keen cricket player for a local team), F1 and more.

I have fantastic memories of playing sport when younger, visiting other schools to take part in competitions, playing badminton and even playing rounders on the beach with family. Thinking back I was probably sportier than I’ve since given myself credit for. One of my fondest sporting memories though is being snuggled up on the sofa and watching Bullseye or anything to do with darts. There’s something very soothing about the game yet it certainly has its excitements.

I’m no Phil Taylor or Jocky Wilson but if I was given the chance to play anything now it would be darts. Maybe it’s because of the fabulous memories I had of watching it with family or playing it as a young adult with my half a shandy in our local but whatever the reason I do love darts! I’ll even admit to sneaking off from time to time to throw a few darts in the so-called Man Den we have (an outside workshop) where Roy has hung a board. We’re also keeping our eyes peeled for the World Cup of Darts, and might even consider having a flutter on it if we get too tired of throwing them.

Do you have sport-related memories from a child and as you’ve grown? Have you continued to play sports or have an interest in them as a grown up? I’m curious! It’s strange that despite being very active when younger, enjoying team sports and what not that I have so little interest in it now, other than darts. Perhaps I used up my life-time of sport playing energy back when I wasn’t sat at a desk during the week or chasing boys around when not!

If you had a free hour or two and could try any sport, what would it be?

Swingball from Mookie #review

Would Kieran like to review the Swingball from Mookie?
Would Kieran? Oh never mind the children, I would love to! We spent many a fun afternoon / weekend as kids battering a tennis ball back and forward to the sound of laughter!

It turns out Kieran loves it just as much as I did!

Click to enlarge

The Swingball from Mookie has one big benefit over the original one from years ago… the base! Not only can you put the pole, ball and racquets away in the base / case for easy storage but the base means you can play on literally any surface, and don’t necessarily need to wait for the hot (and rare) summer sun! We’ve had great fun out on the grass but on soggier days have set it up on the driveway.

Fresh air, fun, independent play and play with others (Kieran’s cousin and friends have had a great time counting how many times they can hit it back and forth without missing!), hand eye co-ordination… what may seem like a simple outdoor games ticks all these boxes and more.

Would I recommend it to others? Absolutely! It’s great – and Roy and I have thoroughly enjoyed showing Kieran how it works.

Visit the Mookie site for more information and to buy via Amazon (*currently £22.99 with free delivery!). You can also catch up with Mookie on Facebook and Twitter for up to date news and offers!

*Price correct at time of publishing

**We were sent a Mookie Swingball to test and review based on our experiences and that is what we’ve done – Mookie have had no influence on our findings.