Upcycling a Lego Play Table

upcycling, repurposed

This weekend’s first to do item on my list was to crack on with turning a Lego play table into a stationery table / craft storage table and work space.

I picked the Lego table up at an NCT nearly new sale a year or so ago for £5 and for a short while the kids used it. Neither boy uses it anymore, Kieran having more technical Lego and Taylor not being that fussed at the moment (and when he is he’ll inherit boxes of the stuff plus accessories galore).

Recently it’s been used as a 4yr old’s bedside table (dump area) and so I decided to upcycle it for myself. I hate waste and this is a much more thrifty / frugal way of storing my stationery etc than buying a specially made caddy or similar  that is marketed for this same purpose yet costs a small fortune.

A quick wipe down and sort out  and voila, we have a repurposed Lego table turned stationery storage and crafting station.

What do you think?





To Recycle or Not to Recycle – Recycling Hints and Tips

Despite me being the grown up I regularly seem to be lectured by my 8 year old on what I can and can’t put into my recycling box and bag. I’m pretty certain that it is his eagle-eyed nature and willingness to tell me I’m not recycling properly that has saved me from receiving one of the Stickers of Shame that the local recycling crew stick on your box when you’ve broken the rules.

Generally speaking I’m actually not too horrendous about recycling, simply busy. however it is worth reminding ourselves from time to time not only what the local recycling services will take but also what the different recycling labels means and what may be reused and recycled.

This fab infographic from EcoMovers breaks it down a bit, making it easy to visualise what we can and can’t recycle. Hopefully it’ll keep your recycling mad kids happy and the council recycling crew’s “You’ve been naughty” stickers safely tucked away!

