Running Your Own Business: Outsourcing

Running Your Own Business: Outsourcing

One of the most enticing things about running your own business is the fact that you get to be the one in charge of the whole thing. This has pros and cons. I’ve been self-employed for years and while I have a handle on everything now, it turns out that trying to run a business entirely by yourself can be incredibly difficult at times. Luckily, there is another option available to you: outsourcing. Outsourcing aspects of your business might be a little scary since it inherently means putting your business in someone else’s hands, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t a whole lot of benefits to it. It’s something I thought about much earlier. With that in mind, here are some ways that you might want to use outsourcing to improve your business.

Running Your Own Business: Outsourcing IT

There’s no denying that the modern business world is one that runs almost entirely on digital technology. This means that your business is going to have some pretty serious IT needs. The fast-moving tech and IT landscape is why outsourcing your IT support is so important. That way you can be sure that everything is always running as smoothly as possible. 

Outsourcing Your Business SEO Needs

Modern digital marketing is more complicated than it has ever been before. Where it was once simply a matter of creating effective advertising campaigns you’ve now also got to think about how your customers are actually going to be able to find your marketing as well as how they will stumble across your business in the digital world. This is where search engine optimisation, or SEO, comes in. It is, by far, one of the most important methods of connecting with your customers but it’s also something that can be incredibly difficult if you don’t know what you’re doing. Luckily, there are plenty of talented SEO agencies out there who are able to offer you exactly the kind of support you need. 

Outsourcing Your Accounting Has Many Benefits

Accounting is one of those things that pretty much all business owners know is incredibly important but far too often they end up putting to the back of their minds for two simple reasons. 1, it’s complicated and difficult. 2, it’s just plain boring. Hiring an accountant to handle that side of your business means that you’re going to be able to stay comfortable knowing that your finances are safe, without having to take huge amounts of time out of your day to deal with it directly. When running your own business you make good choices and bad choices. One of my bad choices was to put off getting an accountant for so long. I could have saved so much time and money.


It can be tough to let things go, especially when it’s a business that you’ve put a huge amount of yourself into. However, one of the most important things to remember is that it’s not about you, it’s about the business as a whole. Don’t let your ego get in the way when running your own business or you’ll get in the way of your business’s potential for success.

Outsourcing As A Freelancer

Outsourcing As A Freelancer

As a freelancer, you’re expected to do a lot, and that can be quite challenging when you don’t have any colleagues to rely on and only so much time in the day. I’ve been a freelancer for thirteen years and firmly believe that twenty four hours in the day is nowhere near enough at times.  Here are some of the benefits that outsourcing can offer you as a freelancer.

More Time To Do More

As a one-person band, there’s a lot that’s expected of you as a freelancer. And sometimes, that can be too much to handle on your own. As your freelance work grows, the amount of time you have will soon be cut down, and therefore, outsourcing is a great way of getting some of that time back. Let’s say you are a social media manager, it might be a good idea to have someone on hand to take on some of the admin that goes behind social media or perhaps the leg work that goes into securing some collaborations between the client and other companies. The more time you can free up, the more opportunities you have to earn more and create more work for yourself.

Can Reduce The Pressure

The pressure of working for yourself is tough, and although it’s something everyone has the ability to do, not everyone is cut out for it. To help reduce the pressure and stress, outsourcing can take control of those tasks that might be causing you a lot of unwanted pressure due to perhaps not having the relevant skills or time to do it. When we feel pressured, we often have a negative attitude to what we’re doing, and the last thing you want is to hate doing to work you started out having such a passion for. So if you’ve got a big mail shot to do, why not get a direct mail company to help out? They have the professional capability and experience to get this level of mailing done.

Gives You More Social Interaction

As a freelancer, you aren’t likely to have much social interaction throughout the day, other than with your client, and that might not be very often. With outsourcing, you are working with and communicating with a lot more people than you’d normally do. That benefits you in two ways, one that your skills in networking will improve, and more importantly, it’s good for your mental health. We all need connection and communication, and when working from home, that can be tough. So it’s an added benefit that comes from outsourcing.

Improves The Quality Of Work

The quality of your work can always be improved, and in some cases, there might be certain elements of your work where you feel like you lack a skill. When collaborating and outsourcing, you’ll find yourself working with those who can improve the quality because they have that professional experience. So to benefit you and your freelancing business, outsource to improve the quality of work you produce for a client.

Outsourcing has many benefits, so don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it because it’ll help you with your freelance career.