Lovely Local Drives

I am an incredibly lucky lady. Living in North Yorkshire I am surrounded by rural beauty which (in my humble opinion) can’t be rivalled. One of my non-resolutions (I don’t make resolutions because I break them) is to photograph more of the beautiful places around us and to facilitate that I’m already planning drives and walks out! We have some great places to visit.

Sutton Bank

Sutton Bank forms the highest point of the Hambleton Hills and is the most commonly used route for  us (I’m in Thirsk) to get up to the North Yorkshire Moors / along to the coast (just over an hour away). It’s something of a steep drive up with a 1 in 4 (25% gradient) and features a hairpin bend but oh my days it is worth it! There is a visitor centre at the top, you can watch members of the gliding club set off, fly and land and it is the starting point for some truly fabulous scenic walks.

And the views!

This is just one of the gorgeous views Sutton Bank offers.

Photo credit

Just ten minutes or so up the road this is one of our favourite “jump in the car and go” driving destinations.

The Hole of Horcum

On the way across the North Yorkshire Moors (which is beautiful in itself) you come across the site of a 400 foot deep natural bowl, just over half a mile across. Some say it was formed via an asteroid long ago and some say Wade the Giant scooped up a massive handful of earth during a row with his wife, to throw at her (I love the latter explanation). A bit of a drive it’s definitely worth the effort,

You have to see it yourself to appreciate the sheer size and beauty of the Hole of Horcum.

Photo credit

There are so many fabulous drives local to me, many of them ending up at landmarks or well-known areas of natural beauty such as these however sometimes we just like to pack a picnic, make sure we’re organised (and covered ) and just drive! Doing this is how we’ve found some fabulous little scenic routes, old villages churches that don’ have their own websites or claims to fame yet should still be appreciated, parks and rivers and grassy knolls…..

If you head up towards Masham and take a wrong turn, for example, you might find yourself on a wonderfully scenic route around the countryside with plenty of places to set down, eat your lunch and enjoy the local wildlife (deer included). The same can be said for Richmond (Richmond, North Yorkshire, not Richmond “down south”). 

Sometimes ditching the tourist guides and the local websites and just setting out to see where you find yourself can be a wonderful thing!

Us, heading up towards Richmond.


Holiday outings and no dramas – hopefully!

The Easter holidays have arrived and before we know it the long summer holidays will be here. Six or seven weeks of trying to keep the kids entertained and fit in as many cultural, educational and downright fun days possible before the new term starts.

I don’t drive (I know, shocking!) but my wonderful cheerful chauffer of a husband does and our weekend and holiday day trips out are absolutely fantastic. From castles to the beach, up onto the North Yorkshire Moors or just finding a new wide open green places to have a picnic and kick a ball around!

As all parents do we make sure we are properly prepared. We have changes of clothes, sun-creams and hats, first aid kit, phones, money and change for parking, plenty to drink, snacks and all of the other 101 things that can’t be forgotten when going out with small children. We take extra care not to forget anything and so that nothing can spoil our precious memory-making days out.

For this reason, and of course for safety-sake we make sure the car is properly prepared too. Roy checks the oil, water, petrol, tyres and makes sure we are ready to go. We always carry our roadside assistance cards (my idea of hell is being stuck somewhere remote with kids in the car) and of course have adequate car insurance.

We have been very lucky and have had no major dramas on our holidays or days out but many people have. Have you had a disaster when out in the holidays? Have you lost something or got lost? Have you broken down or forgotten something essential? I’ve heard some right tales on Twitter and Facebook, do you have a holiday near-miss to share?

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