Child-Proof Your Car For Maximum Safety

Child-Proof Your Car For Maximum Safety

The running of your family car will likely involve lots of journeys with your kids. Whether it’s trips to the grocery store, school runs, or friends houses for playdates; you’ll want to be taking all the precautions that you can to keep your kids safe on board which means taking time to child-proof your car.

Child-Proof Your Car: Consider Your Car Seats 

 Car seats are incredibly important when it comes to child-proofing your car. The seats will keep your children in place when driving and protect them in an accident. You’ll know that young children are too little to use a normal seat belt, so a car seat is an essential purchase for them until they are old enough to go without. You need to shop around for the right kind of car seat for your needs, and you should ensure that the seat is installed correctly so that it can do its job.

Generally speaking, infants will have a rear-facing car seat and later on, when a child is around three or four years old, they will move onto front-facing car seats. Booster seats can be used for children who become too big for a car seat but still need a little support. Make sure you are aware of the legal updates regarding booster seats.

Child-Proof Your Car Journey: Choose Toys Wisely 

While you’ll want to keep your kids entertained, you won’t want to give them any toys that they could choke on. You also won’t want to give them any toys that could be dangerous in the situation of hard braking or a crash. Soft toys are best, plus the use of kid’s music and similar. With this in mind, make sure the floor of your car is clean of any objects that could be harmful to your kids. Clear your car of anything that could get in your way while you are behind the wheel. Ensure never to place any objects close to your pedals that could get stuck. All common sense but worth reminding yourself of.

Child-Proof Your Car Journey With Regular Maintenance 

This is something that I’ve written about before, Regular maintenance is essential to keep everyone in your vehicle safe. Ensure that you get your car serviced often and always inspect your vehicle before you start each journey. Check your tyres, underneath the bonnet and the interior of your car to make sure that all is safe and well. If you keep on top of your maintenance checks, you’ll reduce the likelihood of problems occurring when you’re on the roads.

Teach Your Children About Car Safety 

You should teach your kids about the importance of wearing a seatbelt in a vehicle at all times. If they understand the dangers involved, it’s more likely that they will help you to help them. In addition to this, never leave your kids unattended in a vehicle, no matter what. Hot cars are a dangerous environment for children to be left in. It’s always better to stick together; even if you are only popping into the store for a minute.

 When it comes to keeping your kids safe in a car, there’s much to think about! But as long as you service your vehicle, get the right car seats and help your kids to learn about safety- you’ll be well on the right track! 

 Top Tips:

Before you take your kids on a road trip, remember to have a first aid kit to hand and plenty of water too. On longer journeys, children can become more agitated so it’s best to keep these to a minimum if you can help it. If you need to take a longer trip, allow yourself regular breaks and plan the journey in detail so you do not get distracted. 


Summer Holiday Car Maintenance

Summer Holiday Car Maintenance

We love getting out and about in the summer. “Road trip” is always a welcome call to our boys. All you need is half decent weather, snacks, a car and you’re good to go. Or are you? Car maintenance is important if you want to make sure that you are travelling safely, legally and that you will arrive where you want to be in good time and without any drama.

We’ve recently signed up for an English Heritage membership and have some Air BnB trips and much budget-friendly fun on the horizon. You know that before we set off all of these checks will be made and that summer holiday car maintenance will be at the top of our do to list. I can’t imagine anything more frustrating than car problems when all you want to do is be enjoying family time.

Check Your Tyres

With fines of up to £2500 and points on your licence if you are found to be driving with unsafe wheels, let alone the damage to yourself, your passengers or others that could be caused by driving on them, there is no excuse for not prioritising good tyre maintenance. At Iverson Tyres, for example, you can book your car tyres in online for free or visit their branch to make sure that everything is as it should be. Don’t forget, The minimum amount of tread that should be on a tyre is 1.6mm in order for it to be legal. This is the legal minimum but not necessarily best practice and therefore you should aim to have more on there to ensure you are driving as safely as possible.

Tyre treads, damage i.e. bulges, patches, foreign objects such as nails where you don’t want them as well as having the wrong tyre pressure (too much or too little) could all contribute to a car accident.

Car Maintenance: Check Your Fluids

Cars get thirsty and for more than just water. Before taking off on any journey you need to make sure that you have enough windscreen water/wash, coolant, oil and fuel. Also, remember that you not only have to have water topped up but that you should have spare in the boot or similar. Running out of water on a dusty road or behind a vehicle that kicks up spray and mud is not great.

Good visibility is essential for good driving which leads on nicely to my next must-check point.

Visually Inspect Your Glass

It only takes a stone flicked up by a passing wagon to chip a windscreen. Chips and cracks often go undetected at first unless you are vigilant. Driving with a chip or crack is a no go, and the Highway Code makes it clear that drivers should have a full view of the road and that all glass must be in good condition. Due to this, driving with anything that stops you seeing properly or with damage such as a cracked windscreen is a motoring offence and therefore could land you in hot water if you are caught. To save your self trouble, make sure that you check your windows, paying particular attention to the windscreen.

Summer Holiday Car Maintenance: In Conclusion

It goes without saying that if you have warning lights on, that they should probably be checked over before you think about taking the car out on a day trip or off on your summer holidays. Not only can effective car maintenance keep you out of trouble with the authorities, but it will also help to keep you, your family and other road users safe. When putting together your “must-do” list for your trip, make sure that car maintenance is right up there at the top. Double check that your MOT is up to date, that you have snacks, drinks, medicines and other essentials in the car and enjoy!