Does anyone ever look back at their pre-children, pre-grown-up selves and smirk at the memory of all those times when “I’m exhausted” was uttered? I do! I didn’t know what being truly knackered was until I had the boys. As they’ve grown I’ve assumed the next stage will be less busy; oh how wrong I have been. Each stage has been as busy as it has been gloriously enjoyable! When Taylor started school last year (yes, we’ve nearly completed his first year!) and I wasn’t doing the school run for one and a mix of drop-off and pick-ups at a nursery and a (fab) childminder with the other I figured I’d have loads of extra time.
Ho, ho, ho! While having both children in the same setting at the same time offers advantages I’d forgotten the time we as parents spend in school, particularly with the younger ones. Stay and Play sessions, sports day, escort duty for library trips, church trips, trip-trips… I don’t dislike going on these things, I like to help out and thankfully being my own boss makes working life more flexible schedule-wise. It’s just… more time.
Onto work. School, home and general motherhood (and life, because there is life outside of work people) take up a fairly big chunk of my time. I have a lot of flexibility in my work schedule-wise because I am a freelancer copywriter and I’m my own boss. No apologising when children are at home throwing up or I have a school awards assembly to go to. I do however also have international clients and that can mean talking business at stupid o’clock in the morning (I routinely tell people my webcam is broken so Skype calls and Hangouts are strictly voice only). I work full-time hours at weird intervals throughout the week.
Time! Time! Time!
It was the long-suffering and really rather fabulous husband who took me in hand some time ago and told me I needed to make time for myself. What a strange concept. I suggested having a proper break for lunch. That was met with a raised eyebrow. He was talking about proper “me” time. An hour submerged in a great book (I’m a keen reader and am challenging myself to read more), a break sat in the garden, away from phones and computers with something delicious and luxurious from a cappuccino maker or a walk away from the house (no, not to the supermarket) to get some fresh air, or to visit a friend for a brew. I’m a keen advocate for promoting a work-life balance however sometimes forget to apply that to myself!
You know what? The man was right! I did need to make time for me and as a result, I’m more productive (yet at the PC less, work that out) and am considerably less “stress”. Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not complaining about my life, not at all. I love being a Mum, a wife, my home and my work however sometimes I need reminding to take some time out to love myself too.
Make sure you do the same x