Get Your Brand Noticed

Get Your Brand Noticed

One of the hardest tasks for a business owner is ensuring your brand is noticed. Whether you’re brand new or you’ve been going at it for years, you need to be sure you’re doing all you’re can to reach new people as a business. Whether this means using social media to reach your target audience or investing in paid advertisements, the more you’re doing to increase our visibility the better. With that in mind, here are 4 ways to get your brand noticed: 

Consider Using Social Media

One of the best ways to ensure your brand is being noticed is to use social media. Although lots of people will interpret this as needing to be on every single platform, it’s often more beneficial to focus on the ones that are best suited to you and your business. Whether that means sharing daily photos on Instagram or sharing regular updates on Facebook, if you utilise social media well, your business could grow ten-fold. For a detailed guide to using social media to help grow your business, you can visit this handy site here. 

Get Your Brand Noticed – Invest In Paid Advertising

Another great way to grow your business online is to think about paid advertising, whether that means on social media or using Google Ads. Whilst paid advertising can be incredibly expensive, it’s one of the best ways to ensure your brand is being seen by all of the right people. Using specific demographics and targeted copy, you can be sure your ads are being seen by people that are going to be interested in your products and services. Because of this, you know you’re likely to get a much higher click-through rate. For a guide to using pay per click advertising, you can visit this site here. 

Hire A PR Agency To Gain You National Coverage

If you know you’re going to struggle when it comes to getting your brand noticed, you might want to consider bringing a PR agency in to help. Whether you’re using them on a one-off basis or you set up a monthly retainer, having a PR agency to help you gain national coverage is one of the best ways to encourage visibility as a brand. For a guide to PR agencies and broadcast media relations, you can visit this site here. 

Get Your Brand Noticed : Use Live Video Where Possible 

Finally, you might want to think about using live video where possible. Although it may be overwhelming at first, live video is a great way to connect with your existing audience, encouraging them to become loyal to your brand. Once you have loyal followers, the chances of them recommending you through word of mouth is much higher. 

Are you looking for ways to get your brand noticed? What can you do to ensure you’re doing everything you can to increase your visibility? Let me know your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below.  I’ve been in business over thirteen years now but still love to hear new ways to get my brand noticed.


Branding: Increasing its Power

Branding: Increasing its Power

One thing that you are going to want to work out fairly quickly in the early days of your business is branding. The way in which you brand your business is hugely important if you want to make sure that you are attracting enough attention and the right type of attraction. You might need to think about what you can do in order to increase the power and potency of your brand so that it can do as much for your business as possible. Branding is not my strongest skill, to say the least so thank goodness for my Graphic Designer friend who is keeping me right! I’m in desperate need of a rebrand so hopefully, this information will be as useful to you as it is to me.

Make It Bolder

If you are hoping to make a brand more powerful and potent, the first thing to do is to make sure that it is as bold as possible. The bolder a brand is, the more likely it is going to be effective, so you need to always be prepared to go back to the drawing board and make it bolder if necessary. If you are to do this, you will need to think about what it is that actually makes a brand bold, and that is something that you might struggle with for a long time. Bright colours, clear displays, an obvious and loud message – all of this will help, but the boldness of a brand really comes from the force with which you sell it to people. Do that, and you will find that the brand has a much stronger impact in its boldness in no time. Remember though, going big is fabulous but keep it classy and consistent.

Boost Visibility With Branding

You’ll also need to make sure that your brand is absolutely everywhere, or as far as you can get it. After all, it’s not worth much if nobody can see it, so the more visible you make it, the better. There are many ways to improve and increase visibility in this way. You might want to think about the age-old method of merchandising, wherein the simple use of pens, pencils and branded reusable coffee cups can be enough for your brand to reach far and wide. Merchandise is a great means of boosting visibility, but so is merely talking about it with people, so make sure that you do that at every opportunity you can too.

I find that branding online, and again consistency of branding across social media accounts, the website, email signatures and so on all help your business build recognition and reputation. 

Reinvent Where Necessary

There will be times when you find that you need to reinvent your brand, and you need to know how to identify that need, and then you need to know how you are actually going to make it a reality. Reinventing your brand where necessary will ensure that you can always keep it fresh, and yet you will need to make sure that you are keeping it in line with your previous branding enough for it to be recognisable. Keep that balance in mind, and you should be able to master such reinventions, with a view to increasing the power of your brands much more easily.

Do you have any top branding tips to share? Keep an eye out in the coming months for my rebrand! if you’ve recently rebranded I’d love to hear more about it/see it so feel free to tell me about it below.