Creating the Perfect Bedroom

Creating the Perfect Bedroom

The bedroom is an essential space in the home for a lot of people, which is why you want to create the perfect one when you have the chance. To a lot of people, it is more than just a place to sleep, it’s a place in the home that is theirs alone, in which nobody else will disturb them. Creating the perfect bedroom shouldn’t be a tough process as long as you know what you want to achieve and what to do. In this article, I’m going to be looking at just that, so keep reading if you want to find out more.

Creating the Perfect Bedroom: Somewhere Comfortable

First, you’re going to want the room to be comfortable. It’s no good stepping inside and feeling like you’re in some other place with nowhere to sleep and nowhere to sit. You need to get a comfortable bed that allows you to get the absolute best night of sleep. Sleep is essential to humans, and if you’re not getting the right amount, you are going to notice certain changes in your body. For this reason, you should be looking at beds and mattresses that are going to aid you in getting a good night of rest. Do your research before settling on a single product so that you know for sure you have the best. I’ve fallen foul of buying a cheap bed and mattress in the past and have regretted it.

That’s not all though, because there should also be somewhere for you to sit and just relax. Sometimes if you want to escape the busy hustle and bustle, you might just want to sit in your room for a minute. Ideally, you should never get into your bed unless you’re going to sleep, so finding a chair or a sofa is best. Just make sure it doesn’t become a clothes horse.

A Space Just For You

The space is going to be yours, so it should be filled with the things that you love. Make it personal while still keeping it looking fantastic. Little touches here and there like a rug, posters from your favourite movie, and so on are all it’s going to take to make your room feel like your own. If there’s anything that you think you absolutely need to make your room complete, then ensure it’s in there and not somewhere else in the house.

Creating the Perfect Bedroom: Tidy Is Best

Finally, a tidy room helps you to keep a tidy mind, but to do this you’ve got to have adequate storage. This includes your wardrobe, so you’ve got to think about where to get the best one, how much it is going to cost, and so on. A site like Online Bedrooms will be able to help you here, so take a look at their products and see if anything stands out to you. 

You should also think about shelves, freestanding bookcases, and so on that, you can use to store your items. Having everything on the floor is simply not an option, so write a list of things such as a bedside table and shelves that you can use for storage purposes, then go and find them.

In Summary

I hope that you have found this article helpful, and now have a better understanding of why creating the perfect bedroom shouldn’t be too tough. With these points in mind, I’ll be making changes to my space to make it less cluttered and calmer.


Bedroom Design Basics

bedroom design, pillows

When the boys were babies and toddlers, I really didn’t have the time, or inclination, to be thinking about bedroom design. Bed was something I flopped into at the end of the day and hopefully got some sleep. The decor went unnoticed. Our room tends to be the place everything gets dumped quite functional in nature however now they are older it’s about time I turn my hand to creating this bedroom haven people talk about.

Here are some bedroom design basics to help you and me start creating a grown up bedroom we enjoy spending time in.  

The Clear Out

If, like our room, your bedroom has probably become the home dumping ground over the last half-decade or so, it is going to need a clear out. Every single piece of clutter either needs a new home or a trip to the rubbish tip. Clothes and wardrobes need to be sorted and we need to be ruthless. Am I really going to get back in those ten-year-old jeans? Unlikely! Charity shops are crying out for good quality items, although you can also think about selling your old things on something like eBay. Any proceeds you make can be a contribution to your bedroom upgrades.

The Bedroom Design Planning

Next, don’t dive into your bedroom redesign without thinking about it first. The chances are that your personality has changed a little from the last time you did this – which could be 8,9 or even ten years ago. Do we want curtains or blinds? Should we invest in some storage? Do we want to keep our beloved books on shelves everywhere, or do we fancy something a little more minimal? The first item of business when it comes to bedroom design planning is to create a bedroom bucket list and start working out what you need. 

The Bed

The focus on any bedroom is all about the bed. It’s worth investing some time and energy in finding the best, most comfortable bed and mattress you can afford – it can make such a big difference. Some people like cast iron bed frames, others may prefer a traditional headboard and footboard. The best bet is to go out to your local bed store and try some out for yourself – you get a much better feel in person that you do from just browsing online. However, the mattress is probably the most critical aspects of your room. With a good mattress, sleep is easy to achieve, and rest and relaxation will become second nature.  We are in DESPERATE need of a new bed and a really good mattress so this is high on our bucket list.

The Sheets

An often forgotten part of creating a truly relaxing haven in your bedroom is the sheets. Good quality bed linen and covers can make a massive difference to your ability to relax. Crisp, white sheets and beautiful throws are a must, of course, but make sure you don’t overdo it. You don’t want to struggle with an overload of pillows every night, plus, it will take you an age to make your bed each morning – which kind of defeats the objective. There’s nothing quite like snuggling down into a well-made, fabulous-feeling bed.

Bedroom Design and Lighting

One of the most important aspects of a relaxing bedroom is the lighting. Think about this before you make a choice about colours and decor, as it is vital to get things just right. Ultimately, this all depends on whether you relax better in the dark, or prefer a good dose of natural light streaming in through the windows. If the former, go for thick curtains or blinds. If the latter, ensure you get super light curtains – but still enough to diffuse the sunlight that comes in. 

One of the best decisions we ever made when it comes to our bedroom was to use a Lumie lamp which wakes us upon time gently each morning using increasing light levels, rather than a jarring alarm.

Colours and Moods

If you want a relaxing haven for your bedroom, it’s best to go for warm, calming colours. White in a bedroom can be a little sterile, and anything too bright is going to be on the excitable side. Palettes of black, dark grey, dark green or even navy can work for your overall colour scheme. Alternatively, try for some natural colours such as forest greens, wood browns, and stones.

Any blissful bedroom tips to share? Let everyone know in the comments section below!