Don’t panic!
I have not spent Mother’s Day in hospital ill, I have spent it with my lovely family being waited on hand and foot.
I did receive a most beautiful gift from Roy, Kieran and Taylor which really did make my day. Knowing how much I think about the work that UNICEF do around the world Roy and the kids choose me a gift from their Inspired Gift range.
I received this:
The present that was bought for me was 100 measles vaccines which will help 50 children survive an illness that still kills over 800,000 children a year, many of whom are already vulnerable due to malnutrition or poor living conditions.
Not a shiny necklace, not a spa day, not a huge box of chocolates but a gift that means more to me than diamonds.
Taylor is too young to understand the significance of this wonderful gift but Kieran however at 5yrs old isn’t and listening to him today talking about the children who need our help makes me one very proud and humble Mother.
I hope that my Mother’s Day gift helps other Mother’s keep their special children in their arms and healthy for a long time to come.
For anyone looking for a gift for someone else or wanting to send a little something themselves please check out the UNICEF inspired gift range.
*In the interest of full disclosure this wonderful gift was not my only gift. I also received several willing house slaves for the day and a lovely bunch of tulips.
Happy Mother’s Day all x