I can waffle on for England but some things don’t need padding out. Today’s post from me today is a brief one but an important one.
A recent study revealed six out of ten parents wouldn’t feel confident about recognising the signs of meningitis. Please watch this and share it on your Facebook, Twitter, with friends and relatives. Knowledge is power and in this case it can quite literally be the tool to saving a life.
Friday started off as a normal day but ended up anything but!
When I went to change Taylor just before his lunch, his legs were covered in a purple pin-prick rash. I rang the GP and was in with the Doctor 10 minutes later. The GP took one look and called in a colleague, they nodded at each other and rang an emergency ambulance. A nurse came in to give Taylor an antibiotic injection and before I knew it we were racing to the hospital with siren on & blue light flashing.
I have never been so frightened in all my life!
Taylor wasn’t unwell in himself it was just the rash that wouldn’t blanch / disappear under a glass. Tests and observations, and finally the all clear at 9.30pm. A truly horrible day for the family (Taylor didn’t seem to be too concerned, I have to say! Even when a canula was put in for bloods he barely moved) but my heart was quite literally in my stomach. It turned out to be something or nothing but as it presented as Meningitis initially every precaution was taken.
I cannot thank the GP, ambulance and hospital staff enough. Although it turned out not to be meningitis, it could have done and the swift actions of them all could very well have saved his life. Not an easy thought, but true.
I know the signs of meningitis – but do you? Please take a minute to re-familiarise yourself with them. (The signs for older children and adults can be found on the Meningitis Trust website by clicking on the picture).
Taken from the Meningitis Trust website
A horrible day, followed by a shaky weekend (I kept bursting into tears randomly – the worst being on Sunday afternoon walking across Tesco car-park with him when an ambulance flew past) and waking up every 15minutes in order to check on him through the night. Now it is Tuesday and I’m knackered, behind but ever so thankful.
If I never have to put one of my kids in an emergency ambulance again…. it’ll be too soon.