Dear Facebook people
I have done something remarkable today.
I have un-friended or hidden from view Damn Auto Correct, Absolutely Madness and all the other similar funny apps and pages. I’m so into having a giggle but I’d lost sight of the social part of social media as far as Facebook goes.
Now I can see PEOPLE!
Her who likes to interact x
Dear the snotty teenager that called me a curly haired freak outside Tesco.
I went to school with your Mother.
Now who is laughing Mr Cool Dude with the cackling friends!
Love her who doesn’t take crap from people who can’t pull their trousers all the way up over their pants x
Dear body.
What?? Wrong time of the month, stinking cold, sore coccyx.
I’ll do you a deal, I’ll continue slimming and working out in an effort to make you look better and you reciprocate by making me feel nice. Deal?
Her who may be slightly hormonal
Dear people who continually private message me or DM asking me to promote your product, page or RT/share something important that will help your business.
Please stop. It is akin to annoying spam.
If I DM’d you constantly and begged you to plug my copywriting services I imagine you find this annoying.
It is the same thing.
Her who is tweaking her followers and friends accordingly.
Dear Delivery Gentleman
You are too old to be playing knock and run.
Try this.
Wait thirty seconds….(1 elephant, 2elephants, 3 elephants)
Knock again
Then put the card through.
Her who is sick or rearranging deliveries.
Dear anyone else feeling hormonal & cranky
I have to recommend Caitlin Moran’s book, How to be a woman. Bloody genius!
Just don’t read it on a packed train as people get alarmed when you have spontaneous bursts of belly laughter or mutter and snigger under your breath,
Caitlin Moran rocks and so do you #thatisall
My favourite comment this week. I feel my less stabby now (fiver in the post!) x
Love her book. My personal favourite was the story in her head that she thought up on the long journey to London. Lol!!!
I’m saying nothing 🙂
I think I should join you with some of these this week! Shall we all become part time delivery drivers to show them how it is done?
Although in fairness I do still like the odd game of knock and run myself. I count it towards my weekly exercise.
Ooh! This post has been featured in the Tots100 Ten at Ten! Have a look at some of these other posts, they are fantastic!
I’m with you on the trousers-halfway-down-your-a*se trend. ESPECIALLY when you see it on girls! not a good look. I have been sorely tempted to yank them up myself on occasion…
Ah, the joy of hormones, you are at least handling it with humour!
i think we have the same delivery man! 🙂
Genius & made me laugh out loud. Caitlin would be proud!