Mothers Day products

If your other half is like my lovely husband, he can use a bit of prodding in the right direction when it comes to Mother’s Day gifts.

Here are a few quirky, fun, lush and lovely ideas to choose from, for Mother’s Day, birthday’s (or just because you deserve a treat!).

LadyBird – Queen of Everything Mug

Queen Of Everything Mug - £9.95

Queen Of Everything Mug – £9.95 – I love this! Simple, elegant and fun. It suits me obviously as I am Queen Mummy in our house. made from bone china this is a lovely grown up, useful, high quality mug which would make a great present. make sure you check out the rest of the site for more gift ideas. You can find out more about Redladybird on the site, Facebook or contact them on Twitter.


A Solid Perfume Kit from BathBombBiz

This kit contains everything you would need to make a unique perfume for someone special, along with comprehensive instructions. Definitely one for someone wanting to try something new – great also for kids to help with. £24.99. Don’t forget to visit the blog and look up BathBomb.Biz on Twitter.


Gorgeous handmade “Home Sweet Home” cushions from Precious Parcels

Preciousparcels At just £7.95 these gorgeous handmade cushions are a fantastic addition to every home. I have the green one and I’ll be honest, the photo doesn’t do them justice. Check out the site for these and more luscious products and keep up to date with special offers and new products on Facebook and via Twitter.

Gorgeous Mummy Necklace from Poppy Sparkles

These Swarovski crystal heart designs offer a unique and sparkly way to celebrate your child(ren), using Swarovski birthstone crystals to represent those special people either side of a large heart – the symbol of love.  Poppy Sparkles offers the modern mother a contemporary and fresh take on traditional charm jewellery, whilst still retaining everlasting appeal“. That says it all really doesn’t it?! From £23.00. Check out the rest of the site, and keep inform of new and offers on Facebook & Twitter

One to look out for! This Gorgeous Cakestand

I just love this! It’s not chocolates or flowers but something that much more special – decorative, fun and you can use it to display CAKE! Need I say more? View this product and more on munchie&millie, and keep up to date with news and offers on Twitter and Facebook

Absolutely stunning Swallows Tale Bracelet

Gorgeous! “An antiqued silver plated brass swallow is curved gently to fit round your wrist and linked together with beautiful slate blue czech fire polished glass beads” – a fantastic idea for a Mother’s Day gift which looks much more expensive than the price tag suggests at just £16! See more from Chain Of Daisies on Facebook & Twitter


Jasmine room spray from Dynagirl

Now this is a gift I would love to receive, Jasmine is a gorgeous scent and I find it unbelievably hard to get hold of! A scent can make all the difference to your mood and your day. At just £10.72 this is a fantastic choice for a gift for all occasions! To see more from Dynagirl see the site, and catch up with her on Facebook, Twitter & on her blog.


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  1. Thank you so much for including my mummy necklaces in your Mother’s Day gift ideas 🙂 Lots of gorgeous finds – I’d love any of the above!

  2. Lovely ideas, thank you for including the Perfume Kit, as Viv says, I’d be more than happy with any of these x

  3. Ooh, I want – no need – one of those mugs so that everyone in my family understands who they’re dealing with!! Lovely collection of ideas, Nicki x

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