Dear So and So: 24/2/2012

Dear Coccyx
What are you playing at?
It has been ages since you last bothered me and now, to be honest,
You are being a pain in the arse!
The spleen and the appendix can be removed (as they serve little purpose) if they are being a pain so be warned,
You are on notice!
Her who needs a rubber ring.

Dear Husband,
About this weekend, you did realise I was going away to Natalie’s right?
I love you!
There is cake in the cupboard.
I love you!
Her who hopes her fellas have a nice quiet and restful weekend together x

Dear Boys
You had SO better behave yourself this weekend!
I’ll miss you heaps but will be unimpressed if I come home and find you both glued to the kitchen wall.
Play nice!
Love Mummy x

Dear Aquafit
I’m sorry I missed you last week and it looks like next week is out too.
Don’t feel unloved and abandoned, I’m not there because of Doctor’s orders but will be back!
I have no doubt you’ll make sure I remember you all week after the next workout
Love her who is feeling the lack of the exercise!

Dear Warner Brothers
You sent me a big box of goodies including fab DVDs for Valentine’s day (I love you too).
We are still ploughing through them.
You just can’t beat curling up in front of a DVD can you?
We’ve had date night for Roy and I, I’ve watched one with my sister Lauren, and I’ve snuck on in whilst Taylor has napped.
Talk about guilty pleasure!
Thanks again x

Dear Weekend!
What took you so long? I’ve been waiting for you all week. I don’t look kindly on tardiness you know!
This is an important weekend. I am seeing my eldest brother AND having a girlie weekend with my best friend Natalie.
It really has been a bit of a wait you know!
Her who is impatient for Friday to be over.

Dear readers
If you’ve got this far I’m impressed,
You have stamina!!
Have a great weekend all x

Dear Naughty Kat
So you thought by not mentioning your birthday I wouldn’t find out?
*Shakes head*
A huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY shout-out to Kat, the brains and beauty behind the Dear So and So posts!
Have a great day chick,
Love me x

Dear So and So...