As many of you will already know, we moved house this summer. We only moved down the street but the new house is bigger, better and includes a funky attic boy-cave bedroom for the pre-teen who recently started secondary school. I’ve been busy trying to make his room as cool as it can be and this Tetris Light from FindMeaGift has ticked all of our light, fun and awesomeness boxes.
I’ve seen these lights before and being a fan of all things retro and gamer-related I was tickled pink when FindMeaGift offered to send us something out to help finish Kieran’s room off. I would be lying if I didn’t say that I was hoping he’d decide this wasn’t his thing so that I could nab it but no such luck.
If you haven’t seen the Tetris Light before now, it’s quite fun. Not only do you have the benefit of a fun Tetris design, colour and design, just like the game you may customise how the blocks fall! We’ve had some great fun changing different combinations. The “bottom” light is plugged in, however, the remaining blocks simply magically light up when placed on the base or any other bricks already attached to it. We’ve made lots of sensible combinations and then I went into retro overload and managed to make a Tetris Lamp BERTIE! Bertie! Does it get any better than that?
Of course, I had to explain to Kieran about who Bertie is and then I had to give him the rest of the bricks back and stop playing with his new lamp…..

More Than the Tetris Light
Needless to say, the Tetris Lamp has been quite the hit. We’re very grateful to FindMeaGift for sending it over for us (ok, Kieran) to review, especially as it has given us the opportunity to explore the site a little more. I’ve found several bits and pieces for Roy’s birthday in November and a few Christmas gift ideas too. It’s well worth having a nosy as before they got in touch about helping us out with Kieran’s room I’d heard about FindMeaGift but hadn’t actually spent much time on there. Have a good dig and you’ll no doubt find some fabulous bits and pieces on there.
If you have any questions or just want to keep up to date with FindMeaGift’s news and offers, make sure you find them on Facebook and Twitter.