It’s very cliche, and no doubt there will be plenty of people complaining about the back to school photos but you know what? It’s my blog and I’ll cry show my handsome boys off if I want to.
Kieran and Back to School
Today sees Kieran starting secondary school which in some ways seems ridiculous yet in others feels very right. He’s grown up very quickly in recent years and has become such a fab person to be around. I’m not just saying that because I’m his mum either. He’s confident and comfortable in his own skill, and tells me that he doesn’t need to try and be top dog or in the 1% of his year amongst the “cool” or sporty kids because, as he puts it, “I’m my own kind of cool and I like it that way”.
This young man will go far.
Back to School For Taylor
Year 2! Taylor started Year 2 this morning which means that he is in his last year of Infants, moving to Juniors next year. What an absolute delight he is. He’s clever, funny and more than a little bit cheeky. He loves puns and has a great vocabulary. He attends Helen O’Grady Drama Academy and it’s becoming very clear that whatever he does in life, he’ll do it with flair and no doubt a dollop of extra drama for good measure.
When you become a parent you look out for the milestones, the first tooth, word, the first steps and so on. As they grow older your children continue to evolve every day, sometimes in very subtle ways. It takes seeing one of them donning a tie and blazer for the first time or your youngest walking alongside a new Reception class child to see just how much they’ve grown and how far they’ve come.
Enjoy it, folks, because time most definitely does fly when you are having fun. It doesn’t seem two minutes ago that Taylor started school for example. I hope your little and not so little ones have had a good back to school experience. I’ll be very happy when half three comes around.