Small Home Hacks To Consider

Small Home Hacks To Consider

If you’re looking to change the way that your home looks and feels small home hacks can be enough to get the job done and will help you avoid costly renovations. Having a small home does not mean you have to be short of space if you use what space you have wisely. Your home can be warm and cosy and look bigger than it actually is with just a few tricks. It is best to work through the house one room at a time to avoid project overwhelm.

Small Home Hacks For Bedrooms

The bed is going to take up most of the space in any sized bedroom so you need to make the most of it. If it has drawers underneath utilise them for storage. If it is one of the more modern bedframes that is empty space underneath, invest in some of the storage boxes. Ideally look for those that are on wheels and push them under it. These are a great way of storing your bed linen and things such as spare pillows and cushions. Also, unsightly things such as the 3000 different cables your husband insists on keeping as they may be needed one day, the can go under here. Small home hacks making things pretty again, I can work with that.

Most people only use their bedside table for their phone and a drink. These would fit just as well on a small shelf next to your bed. You may not be able to use the space underneath the shelf, but it will help to make your bedroom appear larger because more of the floor will be free. This also stops you cluttering up an area that really should be more zen!

Bedroom Warmth and Space

Of all the places you need to make sure you are warm, the bedroom is probably the most important. You will not be able to sleep if you are cold and ones of the ways to use up as little space as possible for some heating is traditional-style column radiators. Because they go up instead of across, they take far less space while providing the same level of warmth.

Now your bedroom will be nice and snug, it will look as though it is bigger, but what about all the clothes piles up on the stool and the making lying around your dressing table? Stools and chairs in a bedroom, as well as taking up space, become magnets for clothes you have thrown off. Get rid of the offending piece of furniture to stop this happening. Your makeup you should put away until you next need to use it, as a clutter will diminish the size of your room quicker than anything else. The small home hacks are exactly what I need in my bedroom, especially the clothes on the chair one. I’m very guilty of that.

Kitchen Small Home Hacks

Your kitchen needs to be functional as well as a pleasant place to prepare meals. Remember that there is no reason why cupboards and shelving cannot go as high as the ceiling, and if you do that you may need less of them creating more space. Every kitchen has things that are only used occasionally, and high selves, in or out of cupboards, are the perfect place for these.

Keep your work surfaces as free as possible. They should only have things on them that are used often, such as the kettle.  This will make your kitchen easier to clean and will make it look as though is has more space. This reminds me, I need to clear out my kitchen junk drawer and clear the sides!

Living Room Small Home Hacks

Keep your living room as simple as possible with no furniture that is oversized. This is the room that you will probably use when visitors call and you do not what them to have to step over things to get to a comfy seat. Keep the room as uncluttered as you can, and if there is a corner or nook that cannot be used for anything else, fit a couple of shelves to stand some plants and other knick-knacks on.

Footstools with lids can be useful storage in a living room, but only if you have the space for a footstool to start with.

Bathroom Hacks

Your bathroom is one room that should be as free of clutter as possible as you do not want someone falling over an item on the floor. Give everything a place and make sure that is where it stays. Baskets for storage under the sink can be useful but if your bathroom is really tiny, there is often space over the doorway where a shelf could be fitted. I’ve lived with tiny bathrooms, trust me, you need to get your storage right.

A heated towel rail rather than a radiator will take up less space and will always give you nice warm towels when you get out of the bath. A corner sink is another space saving idea.

small home hacks, bathroom, interior design

Lighting For Your Home

To be honest, the light levels in our current home are very much part of the reason we are considering moving. All through your home, the lighting should be as natural as possible. If you have small windows, don’t cover them in heavy drapes that will block the sunlight out. Use the ceiling for as much of the lighting as you can, as after natural light this will provide the best light. Lights in the ceiling will also not take up any room as side lamps do.

Have plenty of mirrors on the walls. Where possible place them opposite a window. Mirrors will reflect whatever light there is and give the illusion of a room looking larger than it actually is.


Of course, the flooring has to suit the room it was meant for. You do not want a furry rug in from of your cooker or next to the bath where it stands the chance of getting very wet.

Keep the flooring as simple as you can and it will not then detract from the size of the room. Carpets are great in the chilly weather, but laminate flooring is better when the weather is warm.  Only you can decide which you would prefer. 

Treating Your Small Space Right

You do not have to feel cramped in your small home, not if you treat it right. Stop any clutter building up, as this is the worst thing for making your home look small and for making lot harder to clean. Keep surfaces free of most things. You may well want a plant or two and some family photos, and that is fine. Just make sure that other things are not left lying around when they are not needed. This is one of the most simple small home hacks and the one which makes the biggest difference to how a space looks and feels.

Your home should reflect your character and that is quite easy to do with some pieces of art or something similar on the walls. Anything that does not take up floor space is good, as the more of that you have the larger your home will feel and appear to be. We’ve lived in tiny houses and larger house and this small home hacks advice is valid for both. We are considering a house move right now to somewhere a little smaller in one way yet packed with great spaces in others. We will be employing these top tips ourselves.