Fat Club – A Lull and a Masterplan!

If you have read any of my FatClub posts you’ll know I started in January and did fantastically well (even if I do say so myself!). I got down 12st 8.5lb (from 14st) which was a whopping 19.5lb off. Then I stuck, then I put on, then I lost a bit that I put on, then I stayed the same, and again… you see the pattern. I’ve hit THE LULL. That place I just can’t seem to get past (which is worrying as I have 2st+ to lose!) and I’m losing motivation. And picking. And only sticking the plan 5 days (4.5 days) out of 7.


My monthly pass (you pay a month at a time, saving £1 a week but most importantly, committing yourself to keeping going) expired a few weeks ago (my payment card expired and I never bothered to put the new one on), but I’ve now redone this.

I’ve bought the new magazine and am currently reading through to get some inspiration for next week and will do a meal plan & have have the shopping delivered tomorrow (saving on those naughty things that jump in my basket when I’m not looking if instore). It’s all in the planning for me!

And I’ve set myself a challenge! The leader as giving out last week these lovely slips of paper with a flower on (with a big smiley face in the middle hmm). There were 8 petals and we were asked to write on what we wanted to achieve in 8 weeks. Well seeing as I’m on week 20 and have lost 19lb now, I figure a pound a week is a good target so 8lb in 8weeks it is. I will break this lull!

I have to say a quick thanks to everyone who has “Yayy’d” me or given me the obligatory kick up the arse, it’s working folks – one petal down, I lost 1lb this week. I will keep going so here’s hoping I can get another off next week!

If you have any Weight loss/ WeighWatchers recipes or hints and tips, please comment or link up with them if you’ve posted them. Weight loss can be a solitary struggle but it doesn’t need be.

Thanks all!

Fat Club Rant

In short, I am pissed off! With myself.

Every week since I started WeightWatchers in January I have lost something each week, apart from once where I stayed the same. This week I have gained a whopping 2.5lb. And worse still, it’s no-ones fault but my own! Both boys and Roy at home, and I’ve picked, not pointed foods, not watched my portion sizes and I know better.

Weight Watchers works for me, always has. I lost 4st before getting pregnant with Kieran and had lost 19.5lb this time before this week – clearly it works..IF…YOU…FOLLOW…IT! Grrr!

The silliest thing is, there was absolutely no need for my binge-fest. If I’d planned properly I could have incorporated my days out and fun days at home and the accompanying treats that go with these, and still been fine. Sheer bloody laziness on my part and I’m furious with myself. Yes I know we all have blips and have to get back on the horse as such, and I will, but weight loss doesn’t come easy to me and part of having PCOS for some is the inibility or difficulty to lose/maintain weight. The healthier my weight, the less I struggle with the PCOS so I feel like I’ve shot myself in the foot to be honest.

Right. Therapeutic rant complete, it’s time to move on. This week I will track everything I eat properly. I will meal plan. I will revisit my old tracking diaries and magazines and get myself back on track. Losing weight is rarely easy and is a journey that can take longer than we’d like, but I can and I will do it. I just need to stay focussed!