Future Proof Your Business

Future Proof Your Business

Are you running your own business? If so, then you will always have goals that you want to reach and a way to measure your success. One way to determine how successful your business has been to think about a key point. You need to consider whether your company is built to last and essentially whether it has a future. There are numerous ways to ensure that this is the case if you future proof your business so let’s explore the options. 

Hope For The Best, Prepare For The Worst

Obviously, you are going to be hoping for the best with your business. You want to believe it’s going to be a success with lots of interest from customers. You also want to believe that you’re not going to run into any issues that could bring it crashing down. This isn’t realistic because problems do occur in every business model. However, if you are aware of issues like cybercrime, you can prepare for them. For instance, if you are running a store, then shop insurance could give you the financial support you need if you are targeted by a hack. It’s important not to assume that big businesses are the only ones that run into issues like this. Small companies can be hit too.  

When writing this we, including the business community, are on lockdown due to Covid-19. I am incredibly glad and grateful that I took time in the past the future proof to an extent my business. It means that I am continuing to trade during this difficult period. Always expect and plan for the unexpected.

Future Proof Your Business: Put A Plan In Place

When you put your first foot onto the market, you should already have a plan in place. Experts recommend that a business should typically start with a five-year action plan. This should cover everything from the products and services that you are going to offer to how you are planning on expanding and the customers that you will be targeting. It should all be written down and if you have a plan like this which is presentable you’ll find it easier to attract investors too. 

Future Proof Your Business: Engage 

One of the easiest ways for a business to lose longevity is if it starts to stagnate. If you are bringing nothing new to the table, then your customers and clients are going to become bored with your business. They are going to start to wonder whether they should turn their attention to your competition. You don’t want this. You want to work to ensure that your company continues to be favoured. The best way to do that is to find out what your customers want and then deliver it to them. The easiest way to ensure that happens is to engage with your customers. No one knows what they want from your business more than they do. 

This also ties into the last thing that you need to do to ensure that your company has a future. You must keep moving forward. You need to continuously bring new ideas to the table that will resonate with your customers. You can’t expect them to continue supporting your business if your offerings are old or outdated.

I hope this helps you understand some of the best ways to future proof your company and ensure that it is on the market for years to come. 


What are your top tips when it comes to future proof your business time?


Logistics Management is Key

Logistics Management is Key

Many businesses are wholly focused on communicating with customers and shipping products out of the door. But without excellent logistics management, the entire commercial machine can grind to a halt, leading to downtime, issues with suppliers and angry employees. Effective logistics isn’t just something that’s “nice to have” – it’s essential. When the logistics of your business fail, so too does your company. You must manage them effectively. But how? 

While logistics is partly about timing, it’s mainly about finding partners you can trust. You need people who can deliver without fail and have the facilities you need to fulfil orders. There’s no point choosing courier service, for instance, if you need to move large pieces of hardware from A to B. 

Logistics management is the cornerstone of any capable company, regardless of size. It’s what keeps everything in your organisation flowing, helping to meet consumer demand as rapidly as possible. Your firm can be tremendously profitable and productive, but only if the logistics work. If they don’t, it could spell the end of your brand and your business as a whole. 

Here is how a lack of logistics management could be your undoing. 

Poor Logistics Management Means Higher Costs 

The costs of poor logistics management are considerable. The first problem that you may encounter is an inability to respond to changes in consumer demand. 

Let’s say that the seasonal demand for a particular product is much higher than you expected and you suddenly need to ship in a load of goods. You need logistics suppliers who are flexible enough to make the changes and provide the extra transportation space you need. Great partners allow you to take advantage of sudden spikes in demand. Poor quality logistics providers make it much harder to respond to changes in the market profitably. 

Poor logistics can also lead to much higher shipping costs. Rush orders, for instance, can attract a premium, forcing you to pay more if you want to make changes to your arrangements at short notice. 

Finally, there are the increased labour costs. Unless your logistics is flexible, you can wind up with too much or too little labour. A delivery might arrive at your depot, but if you haven’t got the people you need to unload and distribute it, you’re stuck.

Poor Logistics and Poor Decision-Making

Logistics is about more than just moving goods around: it’s also a vital tool that allows you to plan for the future. Flexible logistics enables everyone in your organisation to access data on logistics services and make predictions based on them. The more data you have, the better off your company will be. Each stakeholder can assess your current situation and then adapt your current logistics set up to provide a solution. 

The problem, of course, is that if you don’t have the right data, your employees can’t make good decisions. And if they can’t do that, then they can end up wasting both time and money – both of which have a knock-on effect on the overall health of your enterprise. 

Companies like Freo Group provide end-to-end services that help to make logistics smoother. They take care of things like warehousing, transporting heavy haulage, and storing inventory that gives you more flexibility and control over your operation. 

Employ Effective Logistics Management to Avoid Lower Productivity

Labour is expensive. You want to make sure, therefore, that it is productive for the entire time that you employ it. The last thing you want is for workers to be standing around, waiting for a shipment. 

Unfortunately, however, this can happen if your logistics management is wide of the mark. Suppose for instance you hire six workers to offload a shipment of good for the eventing, paying them each £10 per hour. Now suppose that the consignment arrives an hour late after your workers start work – you’ve wasted nearly £60 right there. 

Logistics can have an enormous impact on productivity, especially among workers whose job it is to stock and manage the warehouse. Ensuring that each shipment arrives precisely when it is supposed to, and leaves soon afterwards is vital. If there is any delay in bringing workers and loads together, then it could result in substantial financial losses for your firm over time. 

Problems With Inventory Tracking

As a business, you need to know what products you have in stock so that you can make sensible orders. Poor logistics management, however, can cause errors to creep in, causing you to make bad choices when ordering goods and miss out on sales. Unsold inventory takes up space in your storage units and gets in the way of stocking the products that you need, all leading to productivity issues. 

The solution is better inventory and logistics management, but achieving that is difficult. Inventory tracking is a tricky business. You need to know precisely which goods are coming into your inventory, and which are leaving, at any given time. If you don’t, then you’ll be forever doing “stocktakes” and wasting your time in the process. 

Achieving a slick logistics operation is never easy, even with great partners, but it is possible with the right approach and training. Ideally, you want goods to arrive at the moment labour becomes available to process it. You then need mechanisms to dispatch goods as soon as your customers order them (if that is an integral part of your business). The more quickly you can respond to changes in consumer demand, the better your company will be perceived online. 

Logistics Management: In Conclusion

Logistics today is about more than “just-in-time” innovations, although that is a big part of it. It’s also about providing a rapid service, especially internet-savvy consumers who’ve become accustomed to speedy delivery times.