When mess and craft and Sunday mornings collide…..
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When mess and craft and Sunday mornings collide…..
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As you will probably already know I have two small boys. One is two years old and the other is six years old. You may also already know that the British weather has been absolutely doo-lally recently and now that (most of us) have escaped the snow we will be shortly be entering at least two months of April showers. The snow and ice made life somewhat difficult when it came to getting out and about as to be honest it was just too cold to be out for any length or time and the boys were getting fed up of it.
Fortunately April (May and June) showers tend to be very wet but slightly less finger numbing therefore we will be stocking up on our boys wellies and grabbing the brollies in order to hit the streets and star jumping in those muddy puddles Peppa and George pig style! I don’t don’t mind mud and mess (I have children – I worry about what they are up to if there is no mess or noise!) and fresh air and exercise is important for their health and my sanity!
Being in a rural area there are plenty of uneven surfaces and green / muddy areas (and potholes) to create some truly spectacular puddles (thanks goodness forĀ Boys Waterproof Jackets) so we will be splashing around and having great fun while I attempt to take some half decent pictures to capture the fun!
Do you have any outdoor rainy day games that you enjoy? Wet hopscotch is fun, as is rolling down the large hill at our local park. I’d love to hear what you all do when out and about during April showers!
*Consideration has been received for writing and publishing this post. We also have to source our own muddy puddles.