Working and Living At Home

Working and Living At Home

When we work from home it can seem that we never get the opportunity to truly switch off from work mode. Working and living at home means that, for many, there’s no escape. This is especially true right now. But there are little things that we can all do to learn how to relax especially if working from home is something we will be doing for the foreseeable future. But what can we all take advantage of in terms of our home environments but also in terms of our attitudes?

Working and Living At Home: Decorate Your Working Environment Differently

You might be one of those people that feels work has to be formal and with no frills. If this helps get you into work mode, do it! It also helps you to make it a contrast to the rest of your home. When you finish your working day you want to be able to come back into the main areas of your home feeling it’s something completely different.

Upgrading your house to incorporate brilliant bedroom design trends as well as a refreshed living room can easily bring that contrast. One of the most important things we have to remember is how to switch off at the end of the working day. If you have an office you can easily shut the door on this space. But many people don’t have that luxury. By using a corner of a specific room to be work-oriented that you can cover up at the end of the day will start to help you differentiate between work life and home life.

Starting To Digitally Disconnect

Because we are all online all day we may feel constantly in work mode even when we are not. Taking the opportunity to disconnect at the end of the working day, including putting your phone away, means that you have that opportunity to decompress. It becomes a knee-jerk reaction that we look at our phone. When we are in work mode and we are sat at our desk staring at a computer screen, we’ve got to incorporate downtime away from all screens. 

Working and Living At Home: Disconnecting Your Stress

When we work at home but also live there, our brains begin to lump everything in together. This is why you’ve got to separate everything as much as possible. But for so many of us, it’s not so easy. Learning to incorporate practical routines into your life to keep you calm will help but also making sure that you tackle the root causes of your anxieties. You may feel that you have a particularly stressful day at work but when you switch off the computer you cannot escape from it. One of the newer techniques in terms of disconnecting your stress is the Havening technique. This helps your brain to remove the anxieties associated with a particular thought or feeling. And the more you practice this technique the less stressed you will feel about work issues giving you the opportunity to switch off properly at the end of the day and enjoy the simple things in life.

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