Our Family Valentine’s Day

We don’t do the whole “You must buy me this, I must buy you that, our marriage and future happiness depends on Valentine’s Day” thing. We just don’t.

Instead we have a family Valentine’s Day, because we love each other you see. We spend lots of time together, we play games and we do nice things for each other. There are goodies and special / favourite foods and it is all a great fun day (or in our case weekend!). Any excuse to tell people you love them is ok by me.

You can see what we got up to below.

What did you do for St Val’s?

There was "I love you pasta"
There was “I love you pasta”


My fabulously nutty little sister Lauren took part in our family Valentine’s – I got some surprise goodies (she knows me so well – there was BOVRIL!) and the boys did cards etc for “Eedie Lauren”

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There were surprise little gift bags for Roy and the boys (we don’t do big gifts etc so I was ticked when Roy bought me oodles of stationery (another who understands my role as Queen Stationery Tart) and some gorgeous flowers.

A great excuse to start Kieran on his first Terry Pratchett book!
A great excuse to start Kieran on his first Terry Pratchett book!

I might have gone slightly overboard with favourite foods – there was slow cooked lasagna, white choc and strawberry cake and more…..

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Above all though there was lots of laughter, messing about, chilling and games.



Needless to say, we thoroughly enjoyed our family St Valentine’s Day.

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1 comment

  1. I love Valentines Day, but we don’t really do “presents” either – it’s a nice day just to remember how much we love each other. Our tradition is actually Valentines Day burritos…simple, easy to go out or make at home, and always popular.

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