Never Rains But It Pours! Pregnancy Worry!!

Firstly….I hate unexplained gaps in activity on the blog, so apologies for my quietness. Don’t worry, it won’t happen again!

A quick catch up in the mad world of pregnancy that I currently reside in. The (very) short version…

I mentioned earlier that my homebirth dream was shattered when I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes (humph). From that day, it’s all changed! I am no longer allowed a homebirth due to being “High Risk” now. I was a bit gutted but lets face it, baby 2’s safety is much more important than my birth plan!
So… after scans and consultant appointments I was told I was being induced at 38wks, that myself and bubs would be closely monitored, I would need a drip for the glucose, another for this, this and that. Jeez! Not the active birth I expected and I was very upset to be told that as baby is bigger than he should be for his dates (due to the GD) there is a much higher risk of forceps (etc) and I’m at least three times more likely to have to have an emergency c-section. Add to this the fact that bubs may need to have a short spell in Special Care to regulate his levels as he will be making too much insulin to combat my too-high sugar. Ok then, didn’t expect that.

Since then I haven’t been able to control my sugars with tablets and am now on insulin, the dose of which is increased every 2-3 days as the levels are still not anywhere near where they should be, and I am on first name terms with everyone at the diabetic centre at the hospital and the maternity unit, as I am at both at least once a week. Bubs seems fine so far as am I (although absolutely shattered, both bodily and mentally!) but I have to have yet another scan next week to recheck the amount of fluid around baby as he is on the low side of the expected amount, and GD babies usually are the opposite- with extra fluid.
Never rains but it pours!

It’ll all be fine but we’ve had to really think a lot about the birth and how it’ll all work and after much research, discussion and soul searching we spoke to the consultant about an elective csection. I must admit I half expected to have to really fight for one but in light of everything going on, and the risk of having to go through a lengthy and quite possibly unsuccessful induction and an emergency c-section, (further distressing bubs!) and the fact that I was well aware already of the pros and cons, they agreed without too much wrangling at all.
So – do not have a homebirth, do not stop at hospital natural birth, go straight to csection.
And this is why I’ve been a bit quiet the last week or so, it has all been very full on!

I will get my date for csection next week after the next scan to check the fluid (I don’t know what will happen if the fluid has dropped further, I imagine I might meet bubs sooner than expected!), and the date when I will be admitted the week before for two days for IV steroids, so at least will be able to plan around that. Boy will I be glad when this fella is here and safe and we can all get home and start life as a family of four!

(I know I promised the short version… this was the short version!).

So, I think this is a credible reason for being AWOL! Heres hoping there are no more spanners in the works eh?!

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  1. Aww hun such a lot to go through and so much to take in.As long as you and bubs are well, thats all that matters. Take care of you both xxxx

  2. What a stressful time for you, I suppose the only consolation is that you and your baby are being closely monitored. I hope you're not stressing too much about it, we all have ideas of what we want our perfect births to be and sometimes it works out that way and sometimes it doesn't. The main thing is that you and the baby are okay. Fingers crossed for you! x

  3. Oh sweetheart, what a worry. Babies eh? I went from one crazy extreme to the other with my two. Laura was in difficulty; not enough fluid, being squashed by my contractions, passing ehr red blood cells back into me and cord round her neck, so was born at 34wks by emergency csec. Daniel on the other hand was perfectly healthy but did not want to come out and I went to 40wks where upon they booked me in for a csec at 42weeks just in case and at 42 weeks he was born by elective c sec. I have to say, elective csec in my experience is much preferable to emergency! My stitches were neater, the whole thing was just much more pleasant and less traumatic for all those involved. It's not as bad as you imagine and you're a tough cookie so you'll recover from the surgery quickly like I did I'm sure. Keep us posted and let us know when you get your date and I'll be sure to send you healing sweetheart xx

  4. Oh dear, not a pleasant situation to be in, I'm thinking of you. Having had 2 c-sections (one emergency, one elective) I just wanted to say try not to get too stressed about it. Yes, easier said than done, I know! The pregnancy books present c-sections as things that should be avoided at all costs but both of mine were great – the staff were fantastic and I didn't experience much pain at all (certainly a hell of a lot less than I did in the labour that I had before I was whisked off for the first c-section, anyway!).Take care and it won't be long now until Christmas with your two little ones.

  5. Thanks all. Curiously I'm not overtly concerned/worried about the csection procedure, more getting bubs here safe and sound, and whether or not he'll go into the SCBU.Once I get the date I'm guessing I'd get filled in on the who, what, why and where so I know practical side what the procedure is here.

  6. I had GD with my last pregnancy so I sympathise with what you are going through. I was induced at 38 weeks, it ended up being a straightforward birth, a little bit of forceps (I say that like it doesn't count!) but no NICU stay, he was an average weight and had no problems with blood sugars after the birth – we were prepared for all of those. I hope yours goes according to plan, it's nice to have as much arranged as possible ahead of time too, makes planning everything else easier!

  7. I wondered where you had been. What a lot you've had to deal with. As you know, I ended up with sections each time for mine. Not my dream birth, but gorgeous happy babies so who really cares? You will need to pace yourself after – don't try to do do much, especially with Kieran (that's the hardest bit!), and let your body heal. It does have the advantage of being able to plan for it, no worrying about labour in the middle of the night in the snow etc!! Take good care of yourself xx

  8. Thanks Ella. Pain in the ass isn't it (and not just the injections there either!). Oh well, will definitely be worth it in the end. Bubs is already a week+ heavier than he should be but who knows. Not long now anyhow.Emma- Yes, it must have been very quiet lol. The csection itself doesn't bother me, now I've got my head around it all. The recovery ought to be fun, as you say!Next hurdle is Tuesday and the next scan where they want to look again at bub's fluid as it was way down. Who knows- he might be here sooner rather than later. Men lol!

  9. Very stressful time for you and family!! Just remind you what wonder pregnancy really is and how precious babies are. Wishing you lots of strength and well being. And don't worry about the csection – at least you will be able to plan childcare etc and you won't have to worry about number 1!!!Maggy(Red Ted Art)

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