Earlier this month I was invited to visit the UNICEF supply division in Copenhagen to see what goes on there, and why. Sadly I wasn’t able to make it but I am able to fill you in on what is going on over there.
Christmas in many ways has become hideously commercial; it’s all about the shiny gadgets and designer names. When you take a step back and think about those who will be fighting for their lives on Christmas Day due to malnutrition or the women who will die in childbirth due to having no medical supplies to help with birth, it put a different slant on things.
This year, instead of buying another box of chocolates and smellies, why not buy a friend an inspired gift from UNICEF. Inspired gifts are life-saving supplies and tools sent to areas in need. The Copenhagen centre is the hub from which essential supplies are sent around the world to those in need.
Forget the ribbons and wrapping, this year why not send something different in lieu of a gift to someone else, or just one small Inspired Gift from your family, to those in need.
You don’t have to break the bank either….
- £9.50 will provide 100 polio vaccinations for children (less than the average phone top up).
- £15 will provide 5 blankets for babies (or a box of chocolates and a nice bottle of wine).
- £8 (or two packs of chicken breasts) will buy an emergency water kit for a family.

With the help of consumers around the world UNICEF bought $1.955 BILLION worth of supplies in 2010 and delivered them to 190 countries by boat, plane, truck, van, donkey, bicycle and on foot. What a huge achievement, thanks largely to people like yourself who give a little and help a lot.

UNICEF’s full range of Cards, Gifts and Inspired Gifts* are available exclusively online here or by calling 0844 888 5505.
If you really do want to help but prefer to have something wrapped up to give, then have a look at the Unicef shop which packed with beautiful ethically made gifts. It all helps.
Give a little if you can this Christmas, or ask for one of your presents to be an inspired gift this year and you can quite literally save lives.
* Each UNICEF Inspired Gift purchase comes complete with an exclusive Gift Card, which can be personalised and delivered to your choice of UK postal address.