As most of you will know I am on a weight loss journey (again). This time it seems to be going well and if everything goes to plan I will be picking up my 1 stone off award at Slimming World tonight (if I don’t I may of course have a toddler-like tantrum on the carpet as I have been very, very good!).
Hitting my thirties coincided with no longer having to struggle with my weight so that I could conceive (damn you PCOS and the years of trying, poking and prodding) now that I have two fabulous sons and Roy and I are happy with our family size and a realisation that I will never have the same body that I did at 18 years old, back when I thought I was fat, and actually being ok about it. Now I’m looking at my weight loss journey alongside a grand plan to reinvent myself slightly. As I’m slimming down I’m starting to get brave once more and look at incorporating colour into my wardrobe instead of the safer grey, navy and black I’ve hidden in for so long. I’m not “there” yet however I love the idea of adding a few casual dresses to my collection, accessorising with fab oversized bags, boots and ethical jewellery and I have an eye on a few key pieces that I am desperate to get my hands on.

Part of my reinvention is to be me, just me. I’m actually quite cool I think and so I’m exploring and embracing my own style and part of this is about making more ethically responsible, environmentally friendly and even thriftier fashion choices. I love the idea of preloved clothing, of items handmade by people in countries who make clothes in safe and healthy workplaces who are able to provide for their families because people buy their items and of exploring more natural alternatives such as bamboo clothing.
Don’t get me wrong, I will still shop off the rail in my local charity shop and occasionally buy something from a big online department store however I will endeavour to incorporate ethical and sustainable fashion into my life in the same way I have organic foods and fair trade items.
Fashion and me in the same sentence seems quite bizarre to me however at this point I have decided that in order to be comfortable in my own skin I also have to be comfortable with what I put on it and with dresses, tops and more like these included from Style Is… (a fabulous online store with clothing collections from all over to tempt you) on offer it makes shopping for such things not only easier but a pleasure. With vintage items, recycled clothing, revamped tops and dresses and more for the first time browsing for clothing feels fun rather than something to be avoided at all costs.

My question for all of you is: What is your clothing style? Do you have one? Could you put a name to it? At the moment I’m calling mine “Oversized slouch-wear” however I will soon be rocking a more vintage boho look if all goes to plan!

This post was written in collaboration with the mentioned businesses however is true to my own thoughts, feelings and experiences.