If I am grieving, I know why, I understand what bereavement is, that I will have to travel through several stages and that, eventually I will be able to cope better with my sadness and loss. As an adult I feel empowered to be able to freely discuss my feelings with others and can articulate them.
Children don’t always have the tools needed to get their head around many of the tough situations and feelings they might experience. I’m not “just” talking about bereavement but bullying, dealing with friendships, changes such as family break-ups, growing up, new additions to the family and more.
The Partnership For Children charity recognises this and have produced two guides which contain age appropriate books for children to read / have read to them which explore these issues and more, giving children something to align with their own feelings, to help them recognise what they feel, why and how to move forward.
Some of you may know that previously I ran a booking business for three years so obvioulsy reading / books mean somthing special to me, but as a Mum I can see them as a real gift to my children, helping them explore, create and learn. These guide are an excellent way of highlight the books that can help our precious ones with their difficult times.
There are two guides, one aimed at ages 5-8 and the other 9-12. I have included one book from each guide to give you an idea of the type of titles that have been highlighted, and why!
Author Susan Varley
Illustrator Susan Varley
Reading age 7+
Interest level 4+
Review When Badger dies, his friends are very sad, but one by one they recall the special things he gave them during his lifetime.
By sharing these fond memories, they realise that although he is no longer with them physically, he will always be in their hearts.
A succesful book that deals gently and clearly with issues of loss and death for young children.
Publisher Picture Lions
Published 1994
Price £5.99
ISBN 9780006643173
Hurricane Wills 
Author Sally Grindley
Reading age 9+
Interest level 10+
Review Chris’s older brother Wills has Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and crash, bang, wallops through the house like a hurricane.
When Dad moves out, things get even worse, and Chris retreats to the public library for some privacy – until Wills’s nasty friends track him down and events spiral out of control.
This is a good insight into the tensions of living with someone who has ADD, as Chris tries to be himself, support his Mum, spend time with his Dad, and still be the supportive brother that Wills needs.
Publisher Bloomsbury
Published 2006
Price £5.99
ISBN 9780747590958
You can order the guides or dowload as a PDF from the Partnership For Children Website and there are two ways to order the books while supporting the PFC’s work:
For orders over £15 you can fax or post you order form to KBC books, who will invoice you, and the Partnership will recieve a percentage of the sale. For orders under (or over if you prefer!) you can order via Amazon (there is a link under each title on the Partnership website and ordering via these links will again gain the Partnership a percentage to help them continue the work they do.
The next time you are buying books for your children, perhaps some of these would be a wise investment?