6 Ways To Save Money At Home

6 Ways To Save Money At Home

Being a grown-up has its perks but adulting can leave a sour taste in the mouth when it comes to paying your bills. Regardless of whether you rent or own your own place, you will likely have similar outgoings (on different levels depending on your lifestyle, where you live etc). Utility bills, the dreaded grocery shop, council tax and more, it all adds up so most people are looking to save money at home.

We have a fairly decent income as a household but found ourselves frustrated with how slowly our pension savings and everyday savings were adding up so decided to make ourselves a 2019 frugal living challenge. So far, so good (another blog post with an update will be ready shortly). In the meantime, here are six things to consider if you want to save money at home. 

Start Buying Supermarket Own Brand Products

Although it’s nice to buy branded items in your food shop, buying store brand items can make a world of difference to your shopping bill. You don’t have to purchase every single item of your shopping as a store brand item, but buying cheaper items for a portion of your shopping will help you cut costs dramatically. The best thing is, most of the time you’re not sacrificing on taste or quality. The vast majority of my shopping is own brand or similar (apart from my coffee, sorry, I’m a coffee snob).

Save Money at Home By Cutting Down On Utilities

When it comes to using your utilities, it may feel as though there is not a lot you can do to cut costs, but ultimately it comes down to your provider and how much you’re using. There are lots of different programmes that tell you how to reduce your bills, putting you on the best possible plans for your home and your usage. For more information, you can find out how to integrate your satellite billing here.   

Get Rid Of Any Unnecessary Expenses

If you’re really trying to save money each month then you need to take a look at all of your outgoings and work out what is an unnecessary expense. Whether it’s your Netflix plan, Spotify or the gym membership you don’t use – cutting these expenses out of your budget can save you more than you’d think in the long run. Often people find that they have direct debits for things that they have completely forgotten back and no longer use, so it’s worth going through your bank statement every few months to keep on top of this.

Start A Side Project That Earns You Extra Money

Saving money can be incredibly difficult if you don’t have much disposable income to start with. Starting a side project that earns you extra money is a great way to ensure you have a little bit extra to put away each month. Whether it’s making your own crafts, joining a scheme like Avon or starting your own blog – that little bit of extra money can make the world of difference.

Consider Starting A Savings Account Or Piggy Bank

Although it may seem as though an obvious choice, starting a savings account or piggy bank that you actually put savings in to is a great way to motivate yourself to start saving more. As you see it slowly building you’ll feel encouraged to save more and more each time. For tips and tricks and adding to a savings account, you can visit this handy guide here.

Sell Unwanted Belongings 

Finally, a great way to save money at home is to have a good clear out and start selling and unwanted belongings you have. Whether it’s clothing, books or electronics – 90% of the time you’ll find someone who wants to purchase your old unwanted items online. For a guide on selling items online, you can visit this website here. Facebook sell sites are my favourite places to shift clutter and make some money back.

Are you looking for ways to save money at home?  Let me know your top tips in the comments section below.

Eco-Friendly Ways to Save Money

Eco-Friendly Ways to Save Money

I like to save money and if I can do so in a “green” way then all the best. This contribution from Autotrader has some great tips for doing just that.

Any way that you reduce your energy consumption saves you money. However, many people still view going green as a luxury rather than something that can be achieved within the confines of normal budget; it is inextricably tied to trendy hipsters who enjoy composting and kale salads. This is just not the case! Being friendlier to the environment isn’t just good news for the planet, it’s also great news for your wallet. Below are a series of tips on saving money by saving the world.

One Man’s Treasure is Another Man’s Trash

Instead of throwing everything away, why not take a long hard look at what you’re getting rid of? If you are getting rid of clothes, you could take them to a recycling centre that offers money for fabric. If you are throwing out furniture, you could put it on websites such as Gumtree or eBay. There are even places that offer money for old glass and tin cans. Not only this but passing your possessions on isn’t the only solution. You could always embrace arts and crafts by upcycling even the most ordinary of household objects, and you could sell them to make money or find a special place for them in your home.

Save Money: Lower Your Energy Bills

It may sound obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people forget to switch off the lights when they leave a room. You can take this a step further by switching off appliances at the socket. It can also help to put draft excluders in your house and to take your heating system off automatic so that you only use it when absolutely necessary. Replacing your light bulbs with LED lights is another easy solution. These bulbs are certainly a wise investment, as they can last up to ten years!

Cars Can Be Recycled Too

The notion that new environmentally-friendly cars are always the best option for the environment is open for debate; instead, older used cars can often be the more ecologically sound option. This is due to the fact that buying a used car avoids the problem of carbon dioxide produced at each stage of the production of a new car. It is also an excellent way to get the best value for money. Furthermore, buying a used car doesn’t have to mean compromising on quality, for instance, the Hyundai i20 strikes the perfect balance between handling and comfort, boasts generous standard specification levels and a generous amount of space on the rear bench.

Save Money on the Laundry

The laundry is a great place to start saving both money and the environment. Make sure that you always wait to wash a full load rather than wasting water and money on washing powder and energy. You can clean your clothes in cold water without this affecting the quality of the wash, just use a quality washing powder or liquid. Finally, make sure to line dry your clothes rather than shelling out for a dryer and the cost of running one.