Birthday parties – do we have to?

Kieran is now of an age when he gets birthday party invites. He himself hasn’t had a big party, we do a family thing, a day out etc because to be honest, organising a birthday party for a load of reception kids is like my personal idea of what hell must be like. The venue, the invites, the food, what type of party, who to invite (being careful not to leave someone out!), the entertainment, the goody bags…. so much could go wrong!

Birthdays are all about playing with the boxes anyway aren't they?

I went to a party for a five year old last week and it was brilliant! It was in a local community hall, there was an entertainer who did games, music, karaoke, a magic show etc and no-one was left out, the food was fab, there were loose balloons everywhere so kids could basically run around like lunatics should they so choose and still be occupied by said balloons… great stuff. But not for me.

Kieran will turn 5 is July and to be honest I have no plans to throw him a party. It’s expensive, time consuming and the worry that I’d not quite get it right would drive me insane!! he isn’t (yet) bothered about not having a party. We go somewhere special, make a big fuss of him, do the family thing, lots of treats (and cake) but that is it. When he’s older, if he wants to go bowling with a couple of his friends and Macdonalds afterwards, that is fine.

Will I make a social pariah out of him though, being a Mum who doesn’t do the birthday party duty? Do you? It seems like a hellish expense for one day – I’d rather spend some of that money on bigger gift. What do you think – birthday parties – do we have to?


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