Planning a New Kitchen Design

We’ve been in our house for four years now and like many parents still have the “to do” list when it comes to things we wanted to achieve around the home. The boys have had their bedrooms redone twice since we moved in to suit their growing needs, the dining room has been a dining room, a playroom and a dining room again, the lounge has had a little attention, even Roy’s Man Den (a large workshop out the back complete with sofa and dart board) has been done out. The one place that has had very little in the way of anything is my kitchen.

I adore my kitchen as it is, and you can probably see why from these photos. I have a Belfast sink, wooden worktops (which take more looking after that you’d think), white Shaker-style cabinets and my personal favourite, the original bread oven. Sadly this doesn’t work however is fabulous when it comes to offering storage; the top section makes a brilliant bread bin!


Despite the kitchen looking great here there is an under-stairs pantry (no door which is a shame), a decent space between the pantry and the bread oven and by extension a separate utility room that leads off from the kitchen which in itself is a generous size. The utility room is being renovated (read as mostly ripped down and rebuilt) at some point which will make it significantly better looking and with a new flat rather than slightly sloped concrete floor better for shelving and storage too.

What I really am looking for just now is some help on the kitchen design front. I’m looking for ways to brighten the space which most of the time doesn’t get a lot of light, to add a pop of colour without taking away from the traditional charm and to find a way to make the most of the existing space as well as the walk-in pantry and the space between (not big enough really for a table and currently has a bin there but it seems wasted somehow, perhaps something wall mounted?).

As you can see from my Pinterest “Kitchen Love” board I’ve already started pulling together ideas and will be visiting Homify for more inspiration. With spring on the way (hopefully) now seems like the ideal time to start planning and getting started so today I’m asking if you have ideas for me. Do you have a similar kitchen? What colour / touches would you add without cluttering it up? I’m excited to get started but right now am not quite sure what I’m getting started with.

Hopefully before long I’ll be posting before and after pictures!

Written in collaboration with Homify.