A Six Year Old With Colic

Back in May Kieran collapsed in pain, screaming in agony and was rushed to the GP. After a quick examination we had to shoot through to the Friarage Hospital with suspected appendicitis. By the time we got to the hospital Kieran was absolutely fine, pain free and most put out at being subjected to numerous tests and scans. We were discharged without diagnosis or follow up.

Last Sunday (8th July) the same happened, screaming in pain, then it stopped. We rang NHS Direct but as he was “ok” and managing the grunt-inducing pain that came and went at that point it wasn’t an emergency. A nurse rang back at 7pm and said to keep him comfy and a doctor would ring within 6hrs to decide if/where we could be seen by an out of hours GP. Shortly after this he stood up (to demonstrate that he was fine) and collapsed screaming again. I rang back and asked where to take him, no more waiting, my boy was in agony again.
We were told to go to the out of hours GP which is now located in the Friarage Hospital (9 miles away). The GP saw him and on doing an abdominal exam (which set him off screaming again). She was quite certain it was an appendicitis problem and sent us to the bigger James Cook Hospital.

James Cook did the tests and what not and we were again discharged, exhausted, without diagnosis or follow up.

By this point I was tearing my hair out. I was convinced that all of these GPs and consultants were missing something as the unexplained pain kept returning (he really was in agony) and was worried that he would take a serious turn for the worse with something that could have been dealt with sooner had it been picked up. My tired and frantic mind was running all sorts of scenarios while we bounced from one doctor or hospital to another.

Monday I kept him off school because I wanted to keep an eye on him, and besides, it was after 1am when we’d got into bed. Tuesday I sent him to school, he was fine. When I picked him up on Tuesday he was pale and not himself, despite being fine all day. We’d not got 100 yards out of the school gate when he collapsed in agony again. I carried him, while pushing the pushchair, to the GP and demanded an emergency appointment. I know he wasn’t bleeding over the floor or anything but by this point I was past myself and poor Kieran was exhausted and confused.

The GP diagnosed colic. COLIC?! I didn’t realise older children can get it butof course since then have spoken to a few children who have had it as well as adults. The treatment for colic is basically to manage the pain. We were sent away with lactulose, although he has had no issues with bowels before or constipation, and that is that. He should, hopefully, grow out of it.

We had two or three episodes after that, screaming pain for ten minutes, then gone. At 8.30pm it started again, and didn’t stop until 7am gone the next morning. Ten minutes of agony, five of grunting and then five of tearful pleading… all night. The GP likened the pain to labour contractions and watching him writhe about in pain, I don’t think he was exaggerating. A horrible night for all concerned despite Kieran being incredibly brave about it all.

So that is where we are right now, a diagnosis of colic, little that can be done to treat the pain when it comes on and we’ve no idea when it will strike again. Shit doesn’t come close.

So there you have it, six year olds can get colic! Did you or your have colic as an older child and if so do you have any hints and tips for managing it? We are keeping a food diary in case there is a trigger although the GP isn’t convinced he has an intolerance and seeing how we get on. It may not come back, it may be weeks, it may be tomorrow, no-one knows but if/when it does I’d like to be better equipped to help him, or ease him. If you have any hints of tips they would be most gratefully received. I’m sure I’m not the only parent who has had an issue with this so your thoughts will help others.

Thanks x