Don’t Forget To Care


We all seem to spend our lives speeding around everywhere these days. We’ve forgotten to show that we care. Taking a moment or two out to show someone else a kindness takes little effort but can mean a lot. What about care in your own life? If there’s one aspect that we forget to prioritise it is self-care. Self-care is essential if you want to thrive and be happy. Make a brew, sit comfortably, read this blog post on caring and then think about what changes you might want to make in your own life.

Enjoy a Little Bit Of Self Care

Self-care is something that you definitely want to try and practice because a lack it can lead to so many different problems. From struggling with your mental health to feeling like you’re out of sync with your life, ignoring your own needs can be harmful. I’m not suggesting that you run out and buy blankets and candles and embrace the essence of hygge (although from what I understand a little bit of a hygge way of life could benefit all of us).  Try going to sleep early. Get up early to read or walk. Make an effort every day to take care of you. If this means removing apps from your phone, striving for a firmer work-life balance or something else, you should be making an effort daily to do something to improve your life experience. 

Care For Those Closest To You

Those closest to you can also suffer when you’re at your busiest. Those closest to you often used to be your safety net. When your life becomes so busy and you become so self-contained, it’s easy enough to not show you care. This is something I am very mindful of. At this time of the year work is crazy and so my social life and spare time, in general, is in short supply. These days I try to show people I care by just sending a text message, a quick call, a message to say “it’s daft busy right now but I haven’t forgotten you and if you need me I’m still here”. 

For other people, showing that you care means helping them get the care that they deserve. The Red House Retirement Community is just one of many ways you could help elderly relatives be cared for and be happy. Volunteering for your community is another. I run a free coworking group for all in my local area and while that isn’t exactly helping in a soup kitchen it’s my own way of showing others that I do care.

Opening Up To People 

Finally, you need to be able to learn to open up to people and be honest. Tell your family and friends if you need a little alone time and respect their right to the same thing. Make sure those who need your help know that you do it because you want to, not because you feel you have to. Open a positive dialogue within yourself and with others about what it means to be more caring.

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