Get a Car Service in Hotter Temperatures

tyres, car service

Summer is fast approaching and that means that a certain amount of preparation is required. We need to stock up on sun cream, get the ice cream in, clean and check the barbecue and get a car service. If you’re planning on going anywhere this summer, be it simply the usual commute to work or a longer trip to enjoy summer fun you need to make sure that your car receives a service that will guarantee that it is safe and ready for transporting you where you need to go in hotter temperatures.

Cars, like most things, need a certain amount of looking after all year round. Drivers rarely forget to be winter ready; they pack blankets, check tyres, check their oil and water, make sure the heating is working and so on. Summer servicing doesn’t often receive the same enthusiasm, however, if you understand cars and how they work, you’ll be careful not to put off your summer essential maintenance!

A hotter weather car service ensures that you enjoy safe and comfortable motoring this summer and covers all of these points and more:

Keep Your Car Hydrated

Us humans are regularly told to make sure that we drink enough, especially in hot weather. This is just as important for your car. Making sure that fluids such as windshield washer fluid, coolant, oil and so on are topped up is essential all year and more frequently in prolonged high temperatures.

Tyre Pressure and Tyre Health

When the sun comes out we tend to spend more time on the road visiting friends and family, driving to the beach, enjoying road trips and outdoor pursuits. What you might not realise is that when the weather is hotter the air in your car tyres tends to expand. This can make it difficult to get a true reading of what your tyre pressure actually is unless you really do know what you’re doing.

As well as tyre pressure it is important to ensure that the tread on your tyres is legal and safe, something a car service would pick up on straight away.

During car servicing, oil and filter changes will be undertaken and you’ll be advised if your fuel filters or anything else needs to be replaced. Keeping on top of these aspects of car maintenance saves you money in the long term. So if you are wondering where to go, DAT Tyres have a car servicing garage here making it easy to get these important safety points checked before things go wrong.

An Effective Car Service Reduces Fuel Costs

How can a car service help with fuel costs? You naturally spend more time out and about over the summer as you take advantage of the better weather. This means you use more petrol. If your car isn’t serviced and isn’t kept in tip-top condition you may suffer from what is called poor fuel economy. Basically, your fuel isn’t going to go as far and your car isn’t going to work quite so well. Keeping on top of these aspects of car maintenance saves you money in the long term.

Make sure that you are ready for summer and that your car is too. There’s nothing like a breakdown or poor performance to ruin the holiday mood.

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