Keeping in Contact

At this time of year when I’ve sorted everything for Christmas and basically have nothing to do I find myself looking to the New Year and getting organised. For me this means making sure I have three tonnes of brand spanking new stationery, a new diary and calendar, a rather large roll of bin bags for The Big Post Christmas Clear Out…. you know how it goes.

Obviously I always browse Pinterest for “Super Organisation” posts and pics, new storage ideas and the rest and this time on my internet browsing I came across a check list which talked about getting a new phone sorted for your child.

We haven’t really talked about a phone for Kieran yet as to be honest, at 7 years old I don’t think he needs one. He doesn’t play out on his own and when he isn’t with us,  with family or trusted friends or at school he is at a playscheme. Kieran simply doesn’t need a phone yet however there will come a time when having a phone would be a good idea for safety.

When I was younger yet old enough to play out away from my family we didn’t have mobile phones and while there were phone boxes around we never took coins out with us. We just played. That world and this however is a different place.

This year we won’t be looking for pay as you go sim cards, visiting mobile phone shops or browsing sites such as Lebara to get set up however it won’t be too many years before we are. I’m not sure what the current “acceptable” age is for children to have a mobile phone but I can’t imagine it being before 9 yrs or perhaps older. Who knows though, things change and children do grow up very quickly. Some of Kieran’s friends have had mobiles for a year or more, although who they phone or text I’ve no idea?

My question for you today, while I continue to put together my “Get Sorted for 2014” list is list: Does your child have a phone? Is it pre-paid, is it a contract, and when did they get one? I’m genuinely interested in this as we managed fine without one as kids yet I do recognise that things do change as generations move on.


This piece was written in collaboration with the mentioned business yet is true to my own thoughts, feelings and experiences.

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