As anyone who read my other Jenny Craig posts will know, my first week on JC was fabulous! I lost 3lb, felt wonderful, was motivated, never hungry, and very optimistic about the future and losing weight.
My second week resulted in staying the same which I was pleased with as it was my “bad” week. At the end of my second week I had another chat with my lovely consultant, yet this was a something of a bitter-sweet one. My Jenny Craig journey, short and sweet as it was had come to an end. I was initially given a two week trial and had hoped (and still hope) that the powers that be will allow me to extend this trail. This would give me a chance to see how I get on longer term and to explain the longer implications of being on Jenny Craig with regards to losing weight and keeping it off to you lovely lot.
Despite my consultant giving me some great handy hints for working on my goal alone I have already put the three pound on I lost and found another one. This just goes to show that Jenny Craig isn’t just about having food sent to you; it is the on-going process of gradually identifying the reasons for weight gain and of changing habits. I believe that if I were to do JC for longer that I would be able to do this but clearly two weeks isn’t enough.
Fingers crossed my trial will get extended! I would definitely take this on myself it weren’t for the fact that I have recently moved, bought oodles of furniture and not bought a single Xmas present yet.
One lovely lady who is using Jenny Craig long-term (and doing amazingly!) is Becky; her blog and her journey so far are well worth following.
To Jenny Craig… thank you for the opportunity to trial and share my first experiences of your fab programme with my readers. You know where I am if you want me to find out and report more! 🙂
Well, quite apart from the fact it’s a Nestle brand, I find it quite disappointing that they only will allow trials of two weeks. It doesn’t send out a particularly great message that weight loss is a much longer term thing for the vast majority of people.
I don’t think having all your food supplied to you is the best way to develop decent food habits long term but that’s my opinion. Surely it would be better publicity for them to show people losing a significant amount of weight over a long period rather than a couple of weeks? Very odd.
Hi Kate.
I had hoped the trial would be for longer, like Becky’s trial and who knows? From what I gather after speaking to my consultant the idea (longer term) is to gradually reduce the number of days a week you eat JC food, while learning to substitute them for home cooked alternatives. A way of changing habits, portion sides and changing attitudes to food over a longer period of time. The goal is to eliminate the JC foods altogether after a while and still be able to loose weight in a healthy way and maintain the loss too (maintenance has always been an issue for me).
My trial has answered a few basic questions hopefully for people wanting to know more about JC but yes, a longer term look like with Becky gives a much better picture.