I didn’t go to Cybermummy11 though WILL be there next year people! My weekend was a bit different. We recently had a bit of a scare when our youngest (Taylor – 7m) was rushed to hospital with suspected meningitis (you can read about that here if you are interested, if nothing else there is some great pictorial info on signs and symptoms). Horrific isn’t the word and to be honest, I’ve not coped with it very well. Taylor is absolutely fine. Mummy, well lets just say I have been a bit clingy of him ie I won’t let him out of my sight. Next week I am being brave and he is going for a visit with my Mum for a few hours, otherwise it will get silly and I’ll never be able to leave him at all.
Anyway, slightly off course! As a result of the scare I have done a bit of a double-take. I am trying to work less on a weekend and when the kids are about. Don’t get me wrong, they are far from neglected as I tend to work in snippets from between 5am and 11pm during quiet occupied times, and naps lol. I needed to refocus on family weekends and simple fun, and that is what this picture is about. Taking advantage of the dry weather we set off, Taylor in the pushchair, Kieran with his backpack and his ” i-spy” book and just explored our local area. Simple, fun (cheap ahem) and real quality family time. Poor Daddy missed out on this one as he’d been left behind working through a list of jobs left for him.
So there you are, my weekend, simple, fun and family orientated.
This is my entry into the fantastic ongoing Gallery run by the gorgeous Tara at Sticky Fingers! The prompt this week has been The Weekend so pop along and see what everyone else got up to and how they managed to capture it!
Yes I remember your tweets about your boy! Scary. Still thankfully all ok and some great family time was had. I am hoping to go to Cybermummy next year too 🙂 xx
Thank you, yes was horrid but this weekend was just the salve I needed 🙂
Ditto, we try very hard to protect the weekends and spend family time together. Especially so when we have good weather, we are blessed with many fantastic beaches on the doorstep and are trying to take advantage of them all. Love the photograph, Kieran is obviously enjoying his ‘simple’ fun.
We love walking and plan on doing a lot more of it this year. Kieran loves going out, armed with his magnifying glass and what not 🙂
I am trying to do the same, to turn off everything else and concentrate on spending time with the kids….its the best thing in the world.
I’m so glad your 7m old is ok. x
Thank you x
They are growing SO quickly, and to be honest, if I organise my time a bit better, as I have done, I don’t NEED to work every hour sent.
What a scare! Glad your gorgeous boy is fine. And I was not at Cybermummy either!
I hope some these CM-non-attenders plan on going next year? I am and would love to catch up with you all.
That must have been so frightening for you and can so understand why you have become clingy…I would too.
I also didnt attend cybermummy…probably will next year though.
I hope you and your boys are okay. I got home to a rashy, hot little 2yo after Cybermummy, he was fine but I immediately felt awful for leaving him. Reminders of their fragility really shake you don’t they.
Family days like this make all the difference don’t they? He looks quite the proper adventurer! See you next year?
Not surprised you’ve been shaken up by such a scare. My friend’s daughter suffered meningitis at five month and was a terrifying time and did affect her long term health. So glad Taylor is fine.
I didn’t go down to the smoke this weekend either and after some reports of the content of the sessions I’m quite glad in a way. Might feel a bit differently next year when I’m not up the duff 😉
Bit gutted I had to miss Blogcamp though.
Lol, make sure you do as I’d love to meet up with you 🙂
Sounds like a nice weekend, I remember the scare you had as we had one the same time with a rushed trip to A&E because of a suspect rash. Terrifying isn’t it!
Bloody awful doesn’t come close. The worse bit was when two GPs looked at him, then each other, then nodded gravely and said “We need to get him to hospital, I’ll ring an ambulance”. Pretty sure I’ll never forget that. 🙁
I’m glad it worked out well for you too x
I did not got to Cybermummy either so quite happy to team up with newbies who want to go next year.
This is such a honest post that we can all learn loads from and I am not just talking about the medical stuff. Making good memories is what it is all about
So glad that Taylor is well. It must have been terrifying for you all xx
As for CM next year, I would love to go. Will be a CM virgin myself so maybe a Newbies table ladies?