When it comes to online tools, keeping a diary, keeping on top of my emails, social media, clients and everything else business-wise I am a queen. I’ve even written articles giving advice on these very things. I haven’t however before now shared my ridiculously disorganised office space.
I know pretty much where everything is, I have fabulous hidden filing cabinets and everything; I just don’t have a very effectively organised office. I’m the woman who sits down to print off a load of invoices to find that I’ve given the last of the naff supermarket printer paper to the kids to make paper areoplanes or that I’ve chewed my way through the last working biro (a filthy habit, I know!).

Viking Direct, the well-known (and now much-loved) business and stationery suppliers have taken pity on me and have sent me a care package to get me back on the road to a haven-like office space once more.
A range of items from reams of paper, pens, tapes, and paperclips alongside files, folders and the mother and father of all desktop sorters soon arrived, securely packaged yet without bothersome wasteful packaging. Here are some of the items that arrived.
My absolute favourite has to be the Desktop Sorter though….

After letting the office organisation slide I’m now back on top form and better yet have kept everything the way I like it (as in not scattered from one side of the room to the other) for some time now. Everything has a place and I know where that is!
Aside from the fact that the care package (which would have come in at just under £50) had everything and more I needed to get organised this review gave me the opportunity to learn a little more about Viking Direct and have a decent nosy around the website and their ranges.
Previously I’ve always gone for the supermarket office items when replacement has been needed, primarily because I assumed they would be cheaper however I wrong on this. Viking Direct came out significantly cheaper than where I was buying from before and to my surprise I didn’t need to buy in bulk to qualify for discounts as many online business stationery retailers I’ve looked at in the past insisted upon.
With the office looking and feeling great I can stop wasting time looking for things and enjoy my working space again. If you haven’t in the past it could well be worth you looking at the Viking Direct website to see if they would be able beat your current supplier’s prices or help you restore your office to its former glory!