Back to School

I adore having the boys at home over the summer, despite the fact that this means I have the curious job of juggling quality time with the boys and working from home. What I have missed (and the boys have too) is the routine that comes with a school term, the getting up at a certain time, being showered, fed and dressed by whatever o’clock and at school, having a snack and drink and doing reading and homework when you get in….. we know what we are doing and when we are doing it during the week when we are in the school term and I (and they mostly) love that.

When it came to going back for Kieran and starting for Taylor we were chomping at the bit by the last week!

All organised and eager to start the new term.
All organised and eager to start the new term.


How has it gone?

It’s been a week now and I’ve just about gotten over the fact that my 4yr is now a school boy and my 9yr old a year 5 student!

Back to school

The feedback so far from Kieran is that it is “cool” and “awesome” to be back at school and as for Taylor, the child does not stop talking about how much he loves the place!  I took Taylor in on his first day, found his peg, worked out where fruit, water bottles, and book bags went and what he should do when he goes into the classroom (they self-register by finding their name card on the floor, taking it to a table and writing over it in pen).

On the second day he wanted to go in on his own! I think he was the only child who went in alone on that first day and he was so proud of himself. I saw him in the main door, watched him pause at the inside door, look up at the many grown ups surrounding him and wondered if he’d have a wobble. Nope, he turned, winked, gave me a thumbs up and a cheeky grin and shot inside to start his day.

Taylor was SO ready for school. He is after all a big grown up boy now!


We didn’t have any worries about Taylor starting or Kieran settling back in however we have say that to hear them come out at the end of the day with so much enthusiasm about what they seen, heard and learned is just brilliant.

As for me, I now have five solid days with both children in the same place at the same time. This is a bonus in itself!

I hope evevryone else has settled in and is enjoying the new school year as much as we are!

School Days Beckon For My Youngest

Working on his letters

Roy and I were talking today about Taylor starting school in September. THIS September. He turned four in November last year and has been chomping at the bit to get his blue jumper and blue book bag, just like his brother ever since. Where does the time go?

Currently Taylor is out of the house four days a week, two at the local nursery/pre-school and two with his fabulous childminder, Clare. I’m pretty sure Taylor hasn’t realised that going to big school means no longer going to Clare’s house so there are bound to be in tears come July (mine and his).

We decided that to ease the transition between a nursery/CM setting and school that Taylor would join his big brother in the fab local holiday playscheme over the summer which is located in a building on the school grounds. He’ll love it there I’m sure and will be mixing with children who are older so it’s a positive however my youngest being old enough to go seems ridiculous.

Just a few months ago Taylor was Joseph in his nursery nativity.
Just a few months ago Taylor was Joseph in his nursery nativity.

Don’t get me wrong, we are similarly excited about Taylor moving on up to school. He is at that fabulous age when he acts very much like a sponge, soaking up information and experiences like nothing else. I’ll be very proud watching him go into his reception classroom with his jumper slightly too long to grow into and shiny shoes just waiting to be scuffed. Biff, Chip and Kipper will be back in my life and I’ll be once again find myself hunting for costumes for dress up days.
Reception and Infant years are all coming back to me now….

In the main though it’ll be great.

It seems like the end of an era however we have to think of it I suppose as an exciting new start rather than an ending. Who else has not-so little ones going to school in September?

Far too grown up for his own good!
Far too grown up for his own good!