I adore having the boys at home over the summer, despite the fact that this means I have the curious job of juggling quality time with the boys and working from home. What I have missed (and the boys have too) is the routine that comes with a school term, the getting up at a certain time, being showered, fed and dressed by whatever o’clock and at school, having a snack and drink and doing reading and homework when you get in….. we know what we are doing and when we are doing it during the week when we are in the school term and I (and they mostly) love that.
When it came to going back for Kieran and starting for Taylor we were chomping at the bit by the last week!

How has it gone?
It’s been a week now and I’ve just about gotten over the fact that my 4yr is now a school boy and my 9yr old a year 5 student!
The feedback so far from Kieran is that it is “cool” and “awesome” to be back at school and as for Taylor, the child does not stop talking about how much he loves the place! I took Taylor in on his first day, found his peg, worked out where fruit, water bottles, and book bags went and what he should do when he goes into the classroom (they self-register by finding their name card on the floor, taking it to a table and writing over it in pen).
On the second day he wanted to go in on his own! I think he was the only child who went in alone on that first day and he was so proud of himself. I saw him in the main door, watched him pause at the inside door, look up at the many grown ups surrounding him and wondered if he’d have a wobble. Nope, he turned, winked, gave me a thumbs up and a cheeky grin and shot inside to start his day.

We didn’t have any worries about Taylor starting or Kieran settling back in however we have say that to hear them come out at the end of the day with so much enthusiasm about what they seen, heard and learned is just brilliant.
As for me, I now have five solid days with both children in the same place at the same time. This is a bonus in itself!
I hope evevryone else has settled in and is enjoying the new school year as much as we are!