If you are or have in the past been a fan of Orchard Toys you’ll no doubt have seen or owned the Shopping List game. This fantastic memory, matching and fun game has players turning over shopping item tiles and remembering where they are in order to find the items on their list and fill their basket or trolley first to win.
This simple but fabulously fun game is one that we enjoyed playing with Kieran in the past and now have had the opportunity to play the revised version with Taylor while we review it (thanks Orchard Toys). While the bare bones of the game are exactly the same there are a few subtle differences between versions for example this one offers you the choice of a basket or a trolley to house your finds and as well as a generic paper style shopping list you can now find the items on your phone shopping list too.
What remains the same is the brilliant quality of all the pieces, the educational value that comes from playing this game (including practicing turn taking) and how much fun you can have whilst playing it!
The game is available here direct from Orchard Toys and is one that not only have we enjoyed a lot, it is one that has been added to our approved list of great gifts for birthdays and Christmas-times.
We have enjoyed the Shopping List game several times during family games time and it is safe to say that it has been given the thumbs up!

*We were sent this game free of charge in exchange for an honest and unbiased review, orchard Toys have have no input into the content of this review which is based purely on our own thoughts, feelings and experiences.