Parents Looking After Parents

Parents Looking After Parents: How To Care For An Elderly Relative At Home , Understanding Crises and the Experts Who Help, Building a Sustainable Workspace, plants

Going through life, your parents are usually the ones there to help you. But as they get older, they start to require more care and attention. Eventually, it can become a full-time job when they move back in with you. Suddenly you are parents looking after parents.

If you’re feeling challenged by this situation, you’re not alone. It’s something that affects millions of people every year. However, it is also manageable once you know what to do. 

So, how do you look after your parents as a parent? Here’s what to do: 

Parents Looking After Parents: Start By Taking Them For A Check-Up

The first step is to find out what you’re up against. You want to know your parent’s requirements medically and the sort of assistance they are liable to demand. 

Doctors can provide you with an overview of their care requirements (which could be helpful when applying for funding). You can then use this information to make arrangements for them at home. Sometimes, you won’t need to change much, but other times, you’ll want to make significant home alterations. It all depends on their needs. 

Consider Their Mental Well-Being

While you’re investigating their physical health, it’s a good idea to provide them with a mental well-being check as well. These can help you find out how they’re getting on and whether they need more assistance in that department. 

If your parent has been isolated for a long time, then the likelihood of mental health problems is significantly higher. Doctors and mental health professionals can give them a check-over to see how they respond to questions and surveys designed to unearth problems (if they exist). 

Ensure You Have Everything They Need For Daily Living – Parents Looking After Parents

Next, you’ll want to check that you have everything your parent needs for daily living. Making sure they have the items they require in the home for bathing, dressing, and toileting is essential. 

For example, you might need a pill organiser if they are on a lot of medications. A commode in the bedroom could also be helpful if they need to get up in the night to go to the bathroom. Additional features like hoists and slip-proof shower flooring might also be important additions. 

Create A Routine

Once you finish with the home modifications, it’s essential to get your elderly loved one into a routine. Settling them requires doing the same things at the same time every day. 

Routines are important not just for you, but for your parent, too. Doing things at the same time creates a sense of comfort and predictability, helping to make every day the same. 

Parents Looking After Parents – Seek Support

Don’t think that you have to go it alone when taking care of your parents. Plugging into a nearby support group can give you the extra energy you need to manage a hectic and demanding family life. Other people in similar situations can provide advice and guidance, telling you what you need to do and how you can protect yourself. 

So there you have it: some of the ways you can care for an elderly parent relative while looking after yourself too.

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