Are you worried about the high bounce rate on your blog? You should be. A high bounce rate will mean that a large percentage of your audience are clicking on your blog and then failing to engage before leaving again.
Why is this a problem? Well, it tends to suggest that there’s an issue with your blog that needs to be corrected. That could be a technical problem or it might be something to do with the content on your blog. The good news is that issues like this can easily be corrected. So, let’s explore some of the key problems that can lead to a high bounce rate along with the best ways to fix them.
Dodge A High Bounce Rate With Your Blog – A Great Design
First, it’s important to ensure that your website does have a great design. A poor design will always lead to issues and mean that people are clicking off your website immediately without any significant engagement.
You may want to hire a professional designer to fix issues with your blog. Alternatively, you could consider changing the template that you are currently using. Do be aware if you opt for a step like this, then it can alter how your site functions and responds. Due to this, you may need to complete more changes to avoid any problems.
Dodge A High Bounce Rate With Your Blog – Easy Navigation
Next, you should think about aspects such as navigation. Navigation issues are a problem because they will mean that people tend to get lost when they are viewing your website. This can lead them to click away simply because they can’t find what they were looking for. Ideally, you should aim to follow the three click rule. This means that people should never be more than three clicks away from what they are looking for. This is possible by altering your structure and ensuring that it has links to create routes through your blogs.
The Right Visuals
It’s important to think about the visuals on your blogs too. This could include aspects such as videos and images. The majority of content online is visual and that’s why you need this for your blog. Your audience expects it and they will demand it. The good news is it’s easy to add images to your site. For instance, you might want to explore curated professional stock images. These will ensure that your website has the ideal aesthetic and has an appearance that’s a cut above some of the other sites that exist online which provide similar information and content.
High-Quality Content – Dodge A High Bounce Rate With Your Blog
This leads us neatly to content. When you run a blog, content is going to be the product that you are offering your audience. This means it needs to match the high standard and expectations of your readers. How do you do this? Well, we recommend that you think about using a tool like Grammarly to check for spelling and grammar issues on posts. You should also ensure that each piece of content feels useful or interesting and won’t seem like spam.
A Personal Touch
There are millions of blogs online so it’s difficult to know why users choose certain blogs over others. In most cases, it’s because they like the person or team behind the blog. They might enjoy their individual voice or unique views.
That’s why, when you are writing a blog, it’s important to ensure that you are essentially showing some skin. You might want to include personal details to your post. You could also add an ‘about me’ page. This is a simple yet effective way to show who you are and what you can offer audience members who visit your blog. You can share as much information or as little information about yourself as you like. It’s just about finding what your audience will respond to.
The Best Schedule
Finally, you should think about your blogging schedule. One of the common reasons for a high bounce rate will be if people think that you aren’t adding much new content to your blog. Now, this might not mean that you aren’t active enough. It could mean that you are active at the wrong time. You should try and match your posting schedule to the schedule when users are most active. This can be tricky but it just requires a little research using tools such as Google analytics.
We hope this helps you understand some of the key reasons why your blog might have a high bounce rate and the best steps that you can take here to fix the issue before it plays havoc with your ranking and your audience numbers.